The Sole Destroyer of the Sea

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The Events that had just transpired had revealed something sinister to the people present.

Whatever this was, it wasn't the Kurfürst they knew. This was a being of rage and power, something that never mixes well.

Arbiter:*scared* N-Now calm please. I j-just want to talk...

She said nothing as she walked towards her. The pure energy and power radiating from Kurfürst was firing all the warning bells in her head to run away, but she might not get another chance.

Arbiter reaches out to Kurfürst, with a calm open palm.

Arbiter: P-please Mathilde, come with me...

Kurfürst stopped in front of her, looking at her outstretched hand. She reached out to the hand ever so slowly.

Arbiter: Please...please come back to me-


She was suddenly teleported next to Alpha, who had a portal in front of Kurfürst.

Arbiter: Why did you that?! I almost had her back!

Alpha: She was reaching out to crush your skull! I'm not sitting by when I can stop that!

Kurfürst: Arbiter!!

Kurfürst jumped up to their level at speeds they could barely follow. Thankfully, Purifier stood in the way and stopped the blow.

Purifier: You aren't getting to them until you get through me Wom-mmph!!

Kurfürst interrupted her speech by grabbing her face and slamming her knee into her chest.

Purifier: MMPH!!

Kurfürst didn't relent, and as she fell to the water, she continued to punch Purifier's chest repeatedly, until cracks and squelching was heard.

Kurfürst: RAAH!!

When she finally got back to the water, she threw Purifier behind her at high speeds, as she was caught by Washington accidentally.

Washington: H-holy shit...

Purifier's chest was smashed in, as blood pooled on the spot. The wound was healing, but it was obvious to tell that she was in agony.

Kurfürst: Arbiter!!

She summoned her cannons, which were pure black like her armor, and the sharks had glowing purple eyes.

She tried to fire her cannons, but nothing happened as the cannons didn't work in the slightest. She growled and unsummoned the riggings.

Arbiter: She can't fight at range in this state, at least we have some sort of advantage

Kurfürst readied her Halberd, and charged at the Sirens. Tester and Alpha both fired at her, but the shots did nothing to slow her down or injure her.

She swung the halberd at Alpha's neck, which barely missed it. Alpha felt the wind whip pst her neck from the strike.

Alpha: If that connected, I would have been out for sure!

Alpha saw the next strike incoming and back off as fast as she could. As she ascended, she felt a hand grip her leg, and she knew who it was.


Kurfürst dragged her down to the surface screaming as she slammed her down onto the water's surface. She raised her foot up to stomp her, but she rolled out of the way.

Tester: Alpha get out of there!

Kurfürst looked to the sky and saw many clones of Tester floating down to the waters surface.

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