A Day for Exercise

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A new desk was already in place for Kurfürst, since they last one was far beyond repair. The woman in question wasn't in her room, instead going to do something she hadn't done in many years.

Bismarck: You're going to the gym?

Kurfürst: I might as well, it's been a while since I actually showed any muscles at work

Bismarck: Are...you sure?

Kurfürst: Sweetie, I may be old, but that doesn't stop me from showing off!

She flexed her arm, which was still covered in metal so no one saw the actual arm.

Bismarck:...Right, well it's down the beach and is public. I'm actually surprised at how many girls here use it

Kurfürst: Ah, they actually exercise! That's bonus points from me

With that, she turned to leave

Kurfürst: That reminds me, you care to join?

Bismarck: Well...I have some work to do-

Kurfürst: That's all needed in a few days, and Z23 already did half of it


Kurfürst: Get your ass to the gym

Bismarck: Yes mom...

After a short 5 minute walk, Kurfürst made it to the open gym, as several girls, from destroyers to battleships, all did their best to get more active.

Kurfürst: Now this, this is how you get stronger to fight the Sirens!

Bismarck: Uh, how does this help actually?

Kurfürst turned and smiled at her shorter lookalike daughter.

Kurfürst: It's quite simple. Your physical body is tied to your ships, if you are lazy and weak, barring a few exceptions, your ship will be that way too

Kurfürst pointed a thumb towards herself.

Kurfürst: Why do you think I'm so damn tough?

Bismarck: That...explains so much...

Kurfürst: Welp, you get yourself ready and I will too, see you soon

Eugen: Bismarck? Are you actually going to work out for once?

Bismarck: Shut it, I was dragged here by mom

Eugen: Ah, I see



Bismarck: Yes, god you don't need to scream in my ear!

Eugen: Sorry...by the way, that outfit looks great on you

She pointed to what she was wearing, which was a tighter grey top and shorts that gave her legs room to breathe, it was pretty good for working out.

Bismarck: Thanks, I guess

Kurfürst: Alright girls! Who's ready to see what I can do?

The girls turned from Eugen and Bismarck's conversation, felling their eyes bulge out as they stared at Kurfürst.

She wore a sports bra, something that's VERY uncharacteristic for her, as well as black shorts that weren't the longest things in the world.

Deutschland: SWEET JESUS!!

That's not what really caught their eyes though. What did was Kurfürst's physique.

She was ripped, far more than they've ever seen a woman before.

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