A Face Behind the Madness

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In the room of Ironblood's predecessor, a bit of tinkering and noise could be heard as the woman inside messed with the android arm she crushed many days ago.

Kurfürst was hard at work trying to salvage a single component from the arm that she desperately needed for answers. She delicately pulled open the palm and moved the small bits of wires out of the way, revealing her prize.

Kurfürst: There you are...

Using the tweezers she had, she plucked out a small circular pad, no thicker than a coin but as large as her fingertip.

This was a holographic device.

Kurfürst: Now then...time to make a call

In the dark and advanced world of the Sirens, one specific Siren is resting silently in bed. She opened her eyes, sitting up ever so slowly as her energy slowly comes to her.

Arbiter: Where...my room?

She looked around, finally confirming that she was indeed in her room.

Arbiter: But...how am I here? I thought...

Her mind finally caught up with her, as she remembered all that happened on that day.

The purple and murderous eyes of Kurfürst, the death she dealt and the power she showed.


She slowly stood up out of bed, cracking her back as she did. Looking around, she noticed one of her dresses near the door, meaning someone was taking care of her this whole time.

Arbiter: I'll have to find out who and reward them


She heard the telltale sound, knowing exactly what it meant. Someone was contacting her? But who?

Arbiter: Answer

The holographic screen appeared in front of her, as the face of the person who called revealed themself.

Arbiter: What?!

Kurfürst: Hello Arbiter...actually, would you rather be called Senna instead?

Back on Kurfürst's side, she watched with hidden amusement as Arbiter stumbled over herself trying to look proper.

Kurfürst: You don't need to go through all of this you know? Just sit down and let's talk

Arbiter: And why should I?! You killed one of my greatest allies and nearly me! Why should I converse with someone like yo-



Arbiter complied, watching the camera and fidgeting nervously,

Kurfürst: All this time...I thought the Empress decided to just show up one day and fight...I can't believe that this is what's hiding behind that face

Arbiter:...You're talking about 5 years ago correct?

Kurfürst: What else would I mean?

Arbiter: I guess now's as good a time as ever. Yes Kurfürst, I am not Arbiter III by birth...I was changed into this after my death as...as Senna

She knew it...Kurfürst felt it and knew it was true, but seeing it and hearing it from the source...that's an entirely different shock no matter how you prepare yourself.

Kurfürst: I see...and what of it? Are you still the woman I once knew? Or did your new role absorb what's left of her?

Arbiter looked away, to find and answer to to hide her shame, Kurfürst didn't know.

Arbiter: Being brutally honest...I'm not sure myself


Kurfürst put an armored hand to her face, covering her eyes as she felt tears build up.

Kurfürst:...How long?


Kurfürst: How Damn long have you been playing this game of life Seena?

Arbiter:...To little to win, but to long to quit

Kurfürst:...I see

Awkward silence fell between the two, as Kurfürst tried to handle the thoughts swelling inside her and Arbiter tried to remedy the situation.

Arbiter: Kurfürst...I-

Kurfürst: Save it, I don't want to hear an excuse

Arbiter: But...I just want to-!

Kurfürst: I said save it! Excuses get you nowhere Senna, you and I both know that!...I want to know why this happened, how it happened...but not some lame-ass excuse about it

She took her hand away from her face, letting Arbiter see the tears falling down her cheeks.

Kurfürst: Just...think it over and call back later...please


Arbiter: I will...see you then Mathilde

Kurfürst: Yeah...see you later Seena



She looked at the holographic pad that sat on her desk right in front of her, staring at the intricate machinery and micro wires that make it up.


She slammed her hands into the desk, splintering it and breaking the desk. The spot in the middle was untouched, and it's what held the hologram.

Kurfürst put her hands to her face, crying into her hands as everything settled in.

Kurfürst: This whole time, I was fighting my best friend...we were practically sisters! We never fought without each other during the height of this damn war!

She sobbed into her hands, barely acknowledging the door of her room opening.

Friedrich: Kurfürst! Are you...ok...

Behind her was the two accompanying her, being Z23 and Z46. The two peeked around her and almost wanted to hide again once they saw Kurfürst crying.

Friedrich: Kurfürst...

She walked into the room and gently wrapped her arms around her older sister, who flinched at the contact. She looked up and let Friedrich are her tear stained face.

Kurfürst: I...Arbi-ter...

Friedrich: It's ok...I'm here alright?...

She hugged Kurfürst closer as she hugged back, crying into Friedrich's bosom. The two destroyers walked in and tried their best to help her, to no success.

Friedrich: Arbiter...if I get my hands on you...I'm going to rip you into pieces!

Yet unknown to her, the object of her disdain was in a similar mood as her sister. Arbiter was crying quietly on her bed, but not for the same reason.

For her, she was torn from what she had to put Kurfürst through, she lied directly to her face, made her believe she was dead all these years.

Yet these lies had to keep going strong if she wants any chance for them to rekindle. If Arbi-...no, if Seena wanted the two to be reunited...

Arbiter: I'll make it happen...

She looked up once more, the tears on her cheeks matter not for her. She reached out and a hologram came forth, showing her the information she wished to see.

Whatever it was, it was at 99%

Arbiter: Hehehe...

Her eerie giggling echoed around the room, with her pink eyes watching in absolute glee at what was about to happen.

Kurfürst was wrong about many things, she hadn't died, and she was more than happy to continue this game...

But something she got right?

The woman she knew is gone.

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