A Long Awaited Battle

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Kurfürst: Ahh~, I cant wait for this

Yamato: Why are you so battle hungry?!

Kurfürst: Battle hungry? No, I'm excited since I can finally work out the stress from yesterday

Yamato: Yesterday?

Kurfürst: I just found out one of my children has died years ago...I need something to vent on and these sirens are perfect

Yamato: O-oh, I guess so

Azuma: Yamato-Dono, we're approaching the sirens location. The advance fleet had already engaged in combat and have taken hits, but are otherwise uninjured

Yamato: Thank you Azuma...so Kurfürst-

Kurfürst: Atata! I'm not making the calls here

Yamato: Huh?!

Kurfürst: You're the leader of the Sakura Empire, are you not?

Yamato: Well...I'm not really the leader

Kurfürst: Really? But Mutsu called you Empress and everything

Yamato: It's more of a title than anything else, I haven't seen actual combat yet


Kurfürst: You...haven't seen combat?

Yamato: No...none at all

Kurfürst: That's a problem...a big problem

Yamato: I-I'm sorry for not telling you Kurfürst senpai!

Kurfürst: That's alright, but actually tell me next ti-...did you say senpai?

Yamato: U-Umm...yes?

Kurfürst: Doesn't that mean upperclassmen?

Yamato: That's one way to see it, but it more broadly means teacher or someone that's a higher rank than you

Kurfürst: How the hell am I a higher rank then you?!

Yamato: You lead the combined fleet as flagship, I'm just the figurehead of the Sakura Empire

Kurfürst: So because of that, you see me as your superior?

Yamato: Yes, and I hope to one day be as great a ship as you!

Kurfürst smiled at Yamato

Kurfürst: I like your spirit Yamato! If you keep that head of yours, I'm sure you'll be a great ship in no time!

In the distance, the trio heard the sounds of gunfire and explosions.

Kurfürst: Now then, first lesson is to actually observe combat, so watch how a veteran gets this done!
Maya: Leave no survivors!

The young cruiser charged forward, weaving in between the siren cannon fire while returning it back with her salvos.

?: Ah! I'm in trouble over here!

Maya turned and saw Fubuki, who was dodging as fast as she could to avoid the constant rain of lasers on her.

Maya: Hold on for a little longer Fubuki!

She turned her attention to the ships and fired, sinking one in just a salvo, only slightly damaging the others. Thankfully, they turned their attention to her instead of Fubuki.

Fubuki: Arigato Maya!


Maya: Gah!

Maya: Shit, that took out one of my turrets!

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