Hell Hath no Fury...

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Kurfürst: So hows the empire fairing these days? Still have those wooden sandals and the such?

Mikasa: First, they're called Getas, and the empire has been...shaky, as of late

Kurfürst: That doesn't sound pleasant

Mikasa: It's not, the situation since your extended leave has gone down tremendously

Nagato: I don't know if you heard or not, but we split from Azur Lane

Kurfürst: What?! Why the hell did you do that?!

Mikasa: It was mostly over ideals between each side, Azur Lane wished to continue the fight with their strength and technology, while we, the Crimson Axis, use repurposed Siren tech to fight them

Kurfürst: The results?

Nagato: The Sakura Empire, Ironblood, Sardegna Empire, and Vichya Dominion all left and created the Crimson Axis-

Mikasa: -all because some of us wanted more power by using something we shouldn't meddle with

Kurfürst: Those Dummkopfs! Do they realize why we were made?! We were supposed to destroy those bastards not join them!

Mikasa: Nagato and I agree with you, but we couldn't get the support needed, most of our forces are hellbent in destroying Azur Lane, but I can't say the same for Ironblood

Nagato: Everyone here is following their leaders words, and since Bismarck is your daughter...

Kurfürst: Then maybe I can talk some sense into her

Nagato: Exactly

Kurfürst: I am still curious though...

Mikasa: On what?

Kurfürst: Have you or Nagato tried to speak with Azur Lane about this? Did they ever respond if so?

Nagato: Well, that's the problem, they want us to fix our own mess, mostly the Royal Navy, but the Eagle Union does try to convince them when on the battlefield

Kurfürst: At least someone's trying...

Mikasa: There's something else you need to know, it's about the rest of your "family"

Kurfürst: You mean the other first gens?

Mikasa: Yes, as you know, me and Nagato here are first gen, just like your children

Kurfürst: And for some damn reason, your the only mature one from the first gen, you helped me raise some of them

Mikasa: You're getting side tracked! *ahem* The first gems in the Eagle Union and Royal Navy have changed ever since your supposed death...it's almost heartbreaking to see it

Kurfürst, for the first time since she arrived, adopted a very serious face.

Kurfürst: Tell me. NOW.

Mikasa: W-well...*sigh*... to start, Queen Elizabeth; she's the leader of the Royal Navy, but she's definitely not fit for it, she runs on her desires most of the time yet still commands decently. The worse part is that she is strict, worse than you were and acts like a total brat

Kurfürst: Brat?! Oh, when I get my hands on her I'll-

Mikasa: Not now...Warspite has been mostly the same as Elizabeth. For the Eagle Union...they were hit the worst

Kurfürst. Oh god...

Mikasa: Yorktown lost her radiance, she was still caring, but she acted strange, and she nearly died a few months ago and has been recovering ever since

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