The Pack House...home?

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He drug me along the overgrown path, his grip on my arm vise-like as I fought against him, trying in vain to wrench myself free.

"Would you just calm down?" He looked down at me, those stupidly beautiful storm-gray eyes boring into me.

"Would you let go of my arm?" I shot back defiantly, glaring up at him.

He reluctantly loosened his grip, but that penetrating gaze never left me. "Can I go yet?" I asked, annoyance thick in my tone.

"No, you're my mate. You have to stay with me," he stated matter-of-factly.

I recoiled as if he'd struck me. "I don't want a mate, especially not an alpha mate," I said coldly, turning my face away to avoid his disarming stare.

"Why not? I'm not going to hurt you, you're my mate" he asked, the confusion evident.

"Because I said so." I kept my eyes averted stubbornly.

He sighed heavily. "Fine, but I am Alpha Maverick of the moonlight pack and you're still a rogue, so I'm taking you with me whether you like it or not." A cocky grin played over his perfect lips. Wait...perfect? No, definitely not my thought.

"Wait, what? You can't do that!" I sputtered. "I have school, and a house, and my stuff is all there. And well, I kind of have someone to take care a umm kid," I rushed out, realizing too late what I'd admitted.

His brow furrowed in confusion. "What was that last part?"

I swallowed hard. "I uh...have a little girl to take care of. She's my...kid?" I confessed, cursing how I stumbled over the words. I never stuttered, damn this mate bond.

A menacing growl rumbled from his chest. "You have a kid?"

He didn't say another word the rest of the way, and I was fairly certain he was mentally planning my murder at this point.

"See what you did?" my wolf chided.

"I didn't do anything!" I fired back mentally.

"Mate is upset. Tell him she isn't yours," she growled insistently.

"He's kidnapping us!" I shot back with a snarl.

"He is our mate," she argued stubbornly.

"He's an alpha. Alphas don't like rogues," I growled, putting an end to her protests with a pathetic whimper.

I looked up, realizing we had stopped walking, and took in the massive mansion looming before us. "Where are we?" I asked warily.

"Home," was his curt response.

"This isn't home," I growled, but he just sighed and pulled me inside, dragging me up a curved staircase to what looked like an office or study. Pictures of him with various other people - friends or family, I presumed - adorned the walls. He finally released my arm, motioning for me to take a seat in one of the chairs before the enormous oak desk. I waited until he settled into the high-backed leather chair before gingerly perching on the edge of mine.

"Why is my mate a rogue?" he muttered under his breath, his chiseled features set in stern lines.

"I don't know, why don't you ask her?" I fired back snarkily.

An muscle ticked in his clenched jaw as he growled, "What is your name?"

"Why does it matter?" I shrugged nonchalantly. "I'll be gone tomorrow anyway."

"Why don't you want a mate?" he tried again, clearly fighting to keep his tone measured.

"Who said I..." I began, but he cut me off brusquely.

"Just answer the question."

I studiously avoided his intense gaze, looking everywhere but at him. I heard the chair creak as he rose, then his footsteps as he stepped around the desk toward me. I jumped up from my seat, backpedaling away until my back struck the wall. He kept advancing until I had nowhere left to go. I turned desperately for the door, but it was locked.

His hot breath scorched the back of my neck as his muscular arms snaked around my waist, spinning me back to face him. Those perfect lips, I definitely didn't think were perfect, brushed against mine, his deep gray eyes staring into my blue ones from just inches away.

"What are you...?" I started, but the question died on my lips as his mouth crushed against mine with smoldering intensity. Sparks seemed to crackle through my veins as our bodies collided. My wolf howled in content. Stunned, I shoved him away, unlocked the door and ran, his footsteps chasing me as I ran.

"Mate, wait!" I heard from behind.




This story sucks doesn't it.


As I rewrite I realize how little I knew when I was younger. 

Running From My Alpha MateWhere stories live. Discover now