A Note

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Maverick's POV

The first rays of dawn were just beginning to filter through the bedroom windows when a sharp rapping at the door roused me from my contented slumber. I felt Arabella stir beside me, her body tensing as the remnants of a nightmare clung to her.

"Shhh, it's alright," I murmured, pulling her closer against my chest as I pressed a tender kiss to her tousled hair. "I've got you, you're safe."

After the emotional crucible of the night before when she had finally unburdened herself of her horrific past, Arabella had fallen into an exhausted but mercifully peaceful sleep cocooned in my arms. I had stood sentinel over her slumber, equal parts awed and protective of this remarkable woman who had endured more torment in her short life than anyone ever should.

But now something had encroached upon the sanctity of our den, of the intimate sanctuary I had created to help her heal and find her strength again. A wave of possessive territoriality washed over me as I carefully disentangled myself from Arabella's sleeping form and threw on a shirt before stalking out to the study.

Nancy already had the door open by the time I arrived, her usually unflappable demeanor slightly flustered. "Alpha, my apologies for disturbing you so early," she began, her voice lowered respectfully. "But this message just arrived by courier. From the Blood Moon pack..."

The hair on the back of my neck instantly stood on end as she revealed the weathered crimson parchment sealed with a telltale ruby-red wax emblem. My wolf's hackles rose, recognizing the scent of that vile pack - the same monsters who had ripped Arabella's life asunder and stolen her innocence while just a frightened pup.

I snatched the rolled message from Nancy's hands, concentrating all my willpower into maintaining my human visage rather than giving in to the insistent growling in my chest. The envelope's thick paper cracked as I broke the seal, unfurling the note to reveal a single sentence scrawled in a elegant but sinister hand:

'We know the rogue is with you. Return her to us at once or suffer the consequences.'

White-hot rage blinded me momentarily as the paper trembled in my grip. How dare he make such brazen demands after what he had done? After irrevocably shattering my mate's life and humanity before it ever truly began? The audacity was utterly unconscionable.

"Burn it," I snarled, barely able to force the two words through my elongated fangs as my wolf surged forth. The predatory scent of charred parchment filled the air as Nancy quickly fed the ultimatum into the flames of the fireplace. It would take far more than smoke and ashes to sate the bloodlust now coursing through my veins.

In that instant, my most primal instincts overrode all rational thought. I needed to find Arabella, to hide her and Jasmine away from here to some impenetrable sanctuary guarded by night and silence where those beasts would never be able to track us down. I had to protect what was mine at all costs.

I turned on my heel and stalked back through the halls with singular focus, throwing open the bedroom door so forcefully that it slammed against the stone walls. Arabella jolted upright, her wide blue eyes instantly filling with panic at my feral appearance and the menacing growls still ripping from my chest.

Moving with a swiftness that belied her delicate frame, she leapt from the bed and scrambled backwards, her terror filling the room in acrid waves. "Maverick? W-what's going on?" she stammered breathlessly.

Her fear acted like a metaphysical dousing, extinguishing the flames of rage that had consumed me momentarily as I regained mastery over my untamed side. My contorted features relaxed as I raised my palms in a pacifying gesture. "It's alright, Ara...you're safe, I promise." The pet name slipped out unconsciously as my voice rumbled with forced calm. "We just received a message...from your old pack."

Understanding and revulsion rapidly flickered across her expression before settling into an impassive mask as her walls ascended once more. But I could see the slight tremor in her hands as she wrapped her slender arms across her midsection, retreating inside herself like a frightened fawn preparing to flee any potential threat.

"What did they say?" Her tone was unnervingly devoid of emotion. I clenched my jaw, considering softening the words before deciding against it. She deserved the unvarnished truth.

"They want you back, I wont let them have you" I growled out.

I watched as Arabella eyes flashed through different emotions before finally going to a cool blue masking the terror that was once there.

"I have to leave" she spoke in a calm monotone voice.

"NEVER" I growled fiercely, wrapping her in my arms faster than she could move away from me. "I just found you, you will not leave. I will keep you and Jasmine safe"

"You cant, he is ruthless. If I stay your entire pack will be in danger. Darius is ruthless he will kill anyone he deems an obstacle to what he wants" Arabella responded in a panicked tone.

"Arabella, listen to me," I pleaded, my voice husky with emotion. "I know Darius is dangerous, but I won't let him harm you or Jasmine. My pack is strong, and we'll protect you with our lives. We'll face him together"I held her closer, my eyes locking onto hers, willing her to see the determination and love in my heart. "You're not alone anymore, Ara. You have me, Jasmine, and the entire pack. We'll stand by you, no matter what." 

 I took a deep breath, my voice cracking with vulnerability. "If you leave, I'll lose the only person who's ever made me feel whole. I can't bear the thought of living without you. Please, Arabella, don't leave me. Stay with me, and let's face whatever comes our way together."My words hung in the air, a desperate plea from the depths of my soul. I held my breath, hoping that she would see the sincerity in my eyes and stay.

Her eyes softened as she spoke,  

"I don't want anyone else to get hurt" she looked away from me as she spoke attempting to pull away from me, but I wouldn't let go, I couldn't let her leave.

"The only one getting hurt is Darius" I spoke, " you need to tell me everything you know about him.

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