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  He didn't speak for what seemed like an eternity, holding my gaze with those swirling silver eyes - the storm inside now washed away, replaced by a sort of reverent awe. Finally, he found his voice again. "What happened to you? Where is your pack?"

I fought back the sudden sting of tears at his innocent questions, memories and flashes of my old pack life came flooding back.

                                                                  Flashback - 6 Years Ago

"Oh Arabella, come here a moment won't you?" The alpha's gruff voice boomed from his office next door. I winced as I pulled myself up from the corner, my battered body protesting every slight movement. What had I done wrong this time? Forgotten one of his demands? Was he going to repeat last night's horrors? I didn't think I could take much more abuse without my wolf's healing abilities - those wouldn't manifest for another four years yet.

I cracked open the door, eyes downcast to avoid provoking his rage further. "What can I do for you, Alpha?" My voice came out a hoarse whisper - I couldn't remember the last time I was allowed a simple drink of water.

The alpha slammed his heavy fist onto the table with a splintering of wood. "You will speak up when addressing me!" He roared, spittle flying. "Or do I need to teach you another lesson?"

"No Alpha, I'm sorry," I said quickly, forcing my voice louder despite the rawness grinding my throat. "What can I do for you?"

Apparently it still wasn't loud or clear enough, as the next thing I knew my body was slammed brutally against the wall. I choked back a whimper as the fresh wounds on my back reopened, hot blood trickling down my skin.

The alpha loomed over me, nicotine-stained teeth bared in a sneer. One calloused hand closed around my throat in a vise-like grip. "Maybe I need to relocate that smart mouth of yours to somewhere more...useful," he growled, his meaning absolutely clear.

I squeezed my eyes shut, too weak to even offer a token of resistance as he ripped away what little clothing still clung to my frame. Bracing for the searing invasion I knew was coming, my mind mercifully blacked out into dead, dreamless unconsciousness.


I came back to reality gasping, my cheeks stained with tears I hadn't realized were falling. Maverick was crouched before me, hands hovering uncertainly as if he wanted to reach out but thought better of it. The anguish and concern etched on his chiseled features stirred something deep within me - something long-buried that I had given up hope of ever experiencing again.

"You don't have to tell me anything you aren't ready for," he said softly, holding my gaze with those soulful eyes. "Just know that you're safe now, I promise. Nobody will ever hurt you so long as I am here"

I quickly wiped away my tears, not wanting Maverick to see me as weak. I wasn't that girl anymore. My wolf came and I got away. I hadn't seen him in years. I was safe at least in the real world...... hopefully Maverick wasn't like him.


Hopefully this was good, more to come! Let me know what you think.

Running From My Alpha MateWhere stories live. Discover now