The serpent strikes

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My heart felt lighter than it had in years as I made the trek through the forest to my former home. The shabby little cottage held so many bittersweet memories - of fear and isolation, but also of peace and safety with Jasmine. I was determined to face those ghosts of my past head-on in order to fully embrace my beautiful new future.

As the rough-hewn cabin came into view, a prickling sense of unease crept down my spine. Something wasn't right. The air felt...charged, oppressive in a way I recognized all too viscerally. Hackles raised, I slowed my steps, ears straining for any telling sounds.

That's when the acrid scent hit me - stale sweat, damp fur, cruelty given purchase. A scent I'd prayed never to be forced to endure again.


Like a serpent uncoiling from the shadows, his hulking silhouette filled the cabin doorway. Though his features were still cloaked in darkness, his fetid stench washed over me in suffocating waves.

"Well, well," that cold, mocking timbre slithered forth. "If it isn't my little disobedient bitch, returned to her kennel."

Every muscle in my body went rigid as Darius prowled into the waning daylight. His smoldering glare raked over me with proprietary disdain, as if I were merely a possession that had wandered off.

"I don't know how you managed to slither away," he continued in that glacial tone. "But you and that pup you've been running about with are my property to dispose of as I see fit."

White-hot fury detonated in my chest at his vile words regarding Jasmine - my sweet, innocent daughter. My wolf strained against its tenuous leash, aching to tear out this repugnant excuse for an alpha's throat.

"Jasmine is under the protection of the Moonlight pack now," I bit out, low and dangerous. "As am I. Or did my mate's warning mean nothing to you?"

A cruel smirk carved Darius's face, making my stomach churn. "You mean that pathetic pup Maverick? His blustering amused me, I'll give him that." He stalked a step closer, malice tainting the air. "But if he thinks some half-grown whelp can stand between me and what is rightfully mine...well, you're both in for quite the rude awakening."

Muscles tensed, I crouched instinctively in a defense posture as Darius continued his predatory advance. But the sudden resounding crunches of multiple booted feet followed by a familiar scent wafting in on the breeze made my shoulders untense ever so slightly.

The pack - they must have scented the danger and come looking for me.

"Stand down, Darius." The warning came from behind me, spoken in Maverick's steely Alpha voice. "This is Moonlight territory and you are trespassing."

Darius sneered at the newcomers emerging from the trees - Maverick flanked by his two lead warriors with the rest of the pack arrayed behind them. "Returning the lost lamb to the flock, are you?"

"She was never yours to keep," Maverick growled. "Now leave peacefully, before I'm forced to remove you by other means."

The larger wolf snapped his jaws derisively. "I'm trembling, boy. You and your pathetic excuse for soldiers don't have the stomach to face real monsters."

Before I could blink, a brutal snarl ripped the air and Maverick launched himself at my former alpha with single-minded savagery. They became a blur of snapping fangs and slashing talons, each vying for dominance over the other.

The rest of us joined the fray without hesitation, compelled by pack bonds to defend our alpha. Soon the forest rang with the violent cacophony of raging wolves as both sides clashed in a whirlwind of blood and fury.

I scanned the chaos frantically for any sign of Maverick, dreading the thought of him being injured - or worse. Finally, a brief flash of midnight fur amidst the tangle of bodies signaled his position. He seemed to be holding his own against Darius, but a smaller wolf from the Bloodmoon pack had circled behind, hackles raised as he prepared to strike.

Something primal and protective flared within me. With a feral snarl, I launched myself at the threat, not even registering the sickening crunch as my powerful jaws clamped over the offending wolf's nape. He released a shrill yelp, falling limp to the side as I tossed his lifeless form aside.

The sudden blur of movement was all the warning I had before Darius's crushing weight slammed into me like a freight train. Sharp talons raked down my flank as rows of jagged fangs snapped mere inches from my face. Growling, I writhed and lashed out, managing to rake his muzzle and tear a gash down the side of his throat.

Enraged by the wound, Darius redoubled his efforts, raining down blows with his full, staggering strength. Weariness started to seep in as I fought to block each vicious strike while trying to gain the advantage to land a lethal wound of my own.

Just as my muscles began screaming with the effort, a resounding roar shook the forest. Darius's entire body seemed to freeze as a massive blur of black fur barreled into him like an out-of-control freight train.

Maverick moved with uncanny speed and brutal focus, repeatedly slamming that monstrous bulk against the unforgiving trees. Finally, Darius went limp and crumpled to the forest floor in a heap, wheezing raggedly.

Maverick stood over him, eyes blazing like twin supernovae, his breath heaving from the exertion of battle.

"This is your only warning," he ground out between ragged pants. "Come near what's mine ever again, and I'll show you what a real monster looks like."

Darius fought to pull air into his battered lungs, unable to respond. After several tense beats with no further provocation, Maverick spat a mouthful of bloody spittle at the prone form.

"Get this filth off my lands," he snarled to his warriors.

As the rest of the Bloodmoon pack scattered back into the forest like wounded dogs, the Moonlight warriors swiftly collected their wounded and fallen. Soon, the only soul still remaining in the clearing besides my battle-weary mate was me.

Maverick turned slowly, his primal wolf features melting back into human form. The instant his honeyed gaze found me, he was at my side, cradling me against his chest with frantic tenderness.

"You're hurt," he rasped hoarsely, gently inspecting the gashes scored down my ribs and side. "Arabella, my mate, my love...I'm so sorry."

Despite the sting of my wounds, I felt nothing but relief and pride at his well-being. "Hush now, my mate," I soothed, cupping his face and pressing my brow to his. "You kept your vow. You protected us, just as you swore."

Maverick rumbled a long, bone-weary exhale as he pulled me securely into his embrace. "And I will keep protecting you with everything I have until my last, dying breath. No one will ever hurt you again, my fierce, beautiful luna."

There in the moonlit forest glade surrounded by the echoes of our hard-won victory, my mate's impassioned oath wrapped around me like a shield. In that moment, I knew without a doubt we had faced true evil head-on and emerged triumphant.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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