New Beginnings

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The morning sun peeked through the curtains, rousing me from a deep, contented slumber. For a disorienting moment, I wasn't sure where I was - these weren't my usual surroundings. Then the solid weight of the muscular arm draped over my waist brought the previous evening's events flooding back.I was in Maverick's room...our room now, I realized with a flutter in my belly. My new mate and alpha lay slumbering beside me, his chiseled features relaxed and peaceful in sleep. Unable to resist, I traced the sharp line of his jaw reverently. Maverick rumbled deep in his chest, those piercing eyes fluttering open to find me watching him with undisguised adoration. A slow, wolfish smile curved his lips. "Good morning, my Luna," he purred in that deliciously rumbly timbre. I melted at both the words and his gravelly morning voice. "Good morning, my alpha," I murmured back. He pulled me flush against his sleep-warm skin, rolling us until I was cradled beneath him. I sighed contentedly as his lips blazed a scorching path along the sensitive column of my neck. "You're insatiable, Mr. Stone," I teased breathlessly. Maverick chuckled against my pulse point. "Can you blame me? I've only just begun to make you mine in every way possible. "The low, possessive promise in his tone made my blood rush hot. I surrendered willingly to his ardent affections until the urgent growls of hunger made us both laugh and untangle reluctantly. Over a simple but delicious breakfast eaten amid passionate kisses, we discussed my moving my meager belongings into our den. Maverick balked slightly at my suggestion of retrieving my things from the shabby little house I had called home."You don't need to go back to that place, Ara," he soothed. "I'll have the pack send someone—"I laid a hand over his arm. "It's okay, I want to do it myself." At his dubious look, I explained, "That house was my haven after I fled Darius's cruelties. As difficult as those years were, it gave me and Jasmine a sense of home, of safety. I need to close that chapter properly before we can begin our new life together. "Understanding flickered across his handsome face and he nodded slowly. "Of course, love. For a proper farewell. "Placing a tender kiss to my brow, he rose to gather a crew to start renovating Jasmine's little bedroom adjacent to ours. It filled my heart to see how readily he embraced her - never viewing her as anything less than the beloved daughter she was to me.When Jasmine returned from her lessons with the other younglings, her little face lit up at the sight of Maverick standing proudly at my side."Pup, your mama and I have some wonderful news," he announced before I could speak. "She's agreed to become my wife and the new luna!""Really?" Jasmine squealed, bouncing excitedly. She crashed into my arms in a wild hug. "I'm so happy, Mama! Maverick is the coolest, bestest alpha ever!"My eyes shone with joyful tears as I embraced her tightly. "I'm happy too, baby girl."Maverick knelt before Jasmine, cupping her cherubic face in his large palms. "Which means from now on, my mate and my daughter will want for nothing. You'll always be cared for, protected." His voice grew thick with sincerity. "I swear it on my life, little one."Jasmine's eyes widened at the sacred vow passing his lips before flinging her little arms around his neck. "Thank you, Papa Wolf!"The look on Maverick's face in that moment - stunned, then brilliantly joyful at her spontaneous moniker for him - made my heart swell near to bursting. He was already so enamored with our daughter.And in that instant, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that this was the family I had dreamed of, had fought and sacrificed for all these years. Nothing and no one would ever take it from me again.When Maverick deposited Jasmine into the renovated bedroom a few days later, her squeal of delight echoed through the entire packhouse. The previous room had been transformed into a whimsical haven designed for a child's wild imaginings. "Are you sure this is my room?" she asked in awe, slowly spinning to take in every carefully curated detail.Maverick beamed proudly. "It is now, baby girl. My daughter deserves a place fit for the most magical of dreams."Tears shimmered in my eyes as I watched them, my life's greatest treasures come together under one joyful roof. My beautiful mate. My precious daughter. My pack. My family. My everything.

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