A pack to call home

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The first rays of dawn peeked through the window, rousing Arabella from her slumber. She blinked her eyes open slowly, stretching her lithe body with a yawn. A small weight was curled up against her side. Looking down, she saw Jasmine - the young girl she had taken under her wing after the little one was left to die by her former alpha. Jasmine's hair was still tousled from sleep, her tiny chest rising and falling peacefully.Arabella felt a swell of maternal affection. Though not biologically related, she had grown immensely fond of Jasmine over the years. The little girl looked up to her as the closest thing she had to a mother.Jasmine began to stir, blinking her wide eyes open. When she spotted Arabella, her face broke into a bright smile. "Good morning, Mama Bella!" she said excitedly."Good morning, little one," Arabella replied with a warm hug. "Did you sleep well?"Jasmine nodded vigorously. "Uh huh! I dreamed we went exploring and caught a huge fish for breakfast!"Arabella chuckled. "Can't have you going hungry. How about we find some berries?""Yeah!" Jasmine's eyes danced with delight.The two headed out, Arabella setting an easy pace for Jasmine's little legs. As they wandered the meadows, Jasmine asked, "Mama, why are flowers so pretty and smelly?""The colors and smells attract bugs and birds to spread the flowers' seeds," Arabella explained."Wow, flowers are smart!" Jasmine scampered ahead, eager to explore more.Later they settled by the stream. Arabella had foraged berries and nuts for their snack. Jasmine ate messily until she flopped over, full. "Best day, Mama. You're the greatest."Arabella's heart melted. "I love you too, sweet girl." She hugged Jasmine tight as the little one drifted to sleep. 

                                                                                  2 years ago

The full moon hung low in the night sky, casting an eerie silver light over the dense forest. The rustle of leaves and the distant howl of a lone wolf filled the air as Arabella raced through the woods. Her heart pounded in her chest, a mix of fear and determination guiding her steps as she fled from the only life she had ever known. A life she never wanted to return to.

Arabella had made the decision to leave her pack, unable to bear the abusive and oppressive rules any longer. She longed to be free. As she ran, her senses on high alert, she stumbled upon a small clearing hidden deep within the forest.

There, lying on the cold ground, was a tiny figure wrapped in a threadbare blanket. Arabella's sharp eyes immediately recognized the small child as a young werewolf, no more than three years old. The child's blonde hair framed her delicate face, her skin pale and eyes wide with fear.

Approaching cautiously, Arabella knelt down beside the child and whispered softly, "Hey there, little one. What's your name?"

The child's eyes met Arabella's, filled with a mixture of hope and uncertainty. "Jasmine," she whispered, her voice barely a whisper.

Arabella's heart clenched at the sight of the abandoned child, knowing all too well the pain of being cast aside by one's own pack. She reached out a hand, offering comfort and warmth to the young child.

"Jasmine, I'm Arabella. I'm here to help you," Arabella said gently, her voice soothing and warm. "You don't have to be afraid anymore. You're safe with me."

Jasmine's eyes searched Arabella's face, a flicker of trust appearing in their depths. Slowly, she reached out a small hand, grasping Arabella's fingers tightly. In that moment, a bond formed between the two, forged in the moonlit darkness of the forest.

With Jasmine's small hand in hers, Arabella made a silent vow to protect the her, to guide her and keep her safe from harm. Together, under the watchful gaze of the moon, they would forge a new path, one where the were safe and loved.

                                                                       Back to present

"Arabella!" Maverick's voice made her turn, ending her thoughts. He rushed over, looking her up and down. "Where were you? I was worried!""Just getting Jasmine breakfast," Arabella soothed. "We foraged like we do."Maverick frowned. "You should've told me. I need to keep you both safe." "I'm not used to that," Arabella admitted. "It's been just us for so long..."Maverick's expression softened as he watched Jasmine sleep peacefully. "You don't have to be alone anymore. We're pack now."Arabella felt her eyes well up at his words, immense gratitude filling her heart. "Thank you," she whispered. Arabella stroked Jasmine's hair as the little girl slept, peaceful breaths escaping her slightly parted lips. Maverick settled on the grass beside them, his expression a mix of concern and tenderness."You really care for her, don't you?" he asked quietly.Arabella nodded. "She's my whole world. When I found her abandoned in the forest..."Her voice caught, and Maverick placed a comforting hand on her arm. "Take your time."Drawing a steadying breath, Arabella continued. "My old pack... they left her for dead, just a child. I couldn't let that stand."Maverick's jaw clenched. "Darius and his pack have much to atone for.""That's putting it lightly." Arabella laughed bitterly. "The things I endured under his rule..." She unconsciously rubbed her arm.Sensing her distress, Maverick gentled his tone. "You don't have to relive it all now. Just know those days are behind you."Arabella managed a small smile. "I know. It's still hard to believe, after so long living under Darius's cruelties.""Like what?" Maverick asked, then backtracked. "Sorry, I don't mean to bring  up painful memories.""No, it's..." Arabella sighed. "Darius was possessive and domineering. He controlled every aspect of our lives - when we ate, slept, what we wore. Any defiance was met with harsh punishments."Maverick's expression darkened. "He beat you?"Arabella nodded, her voice lowering to a whisper. "Among other things. His favorite was to deprive us of food and water until we were delirious, then force us to hunt for scraps like animals.""Arabella..." Maverick clenched his fists, rage simmering beneath his skin."It's okay," she assured him. "I'm just...grateful to be away from that monster's clutches. When I found Jasmine, I was making an escape for good."They lapsed into pensive silence, Maverick stewing in anger at her mistreatment, Arabella simply relieved to be free. The sun began its descent, painting the meadow in rich oranges and reds.At last, Maverick spoke. "I promise, no one will ever hurt you like that again. Darius won't get near you or Jasmine ever again." His voice was steely with resolve.Arabella met his intense gaze, heartened by the fierceness of his vow. She reached out, giving his hand a grateful squeeze.Jasmine began to stir then, blinking sleepily. "Mama...?""I'm here, sweetie." Arabella nuzzled her cheek.Maverick stood, scooping up the drowsy girl. "C'mon, little one. We should get you both home."As they started back towards the packhouse, Jasmine cradled in his strong arms, she piped up. "Did you have fun with Mama today?"He grinned down at her. "We sure did, pup. Maybe we can go exploring the forest together sometime."Jasmine beamed at the prospect, snuggling closer before her eyes drifted shut once more.Arabella watched them with a tender smile, feeling lighter than she had in years. For the first time, she dared to hope for a fresh start - a future of happiness, safety, and love.As the sun slipped below the horizon, she followed Maverick.

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