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I plop on the couch of my mansion in Italy.I never died.I am now more angry thann ever.I change that means I strip from my jumpsuit to my pink pantiess and bra.

"Mile!Make me some tacos!", I yell at my maod in less than a minute she gives me a plate of tacos.

I take one taco but that bald man snacthes it way . "Oh,come on!",I said frustrated.

"It can be posinious, South!",baldy said.

"Come one,Ian!Besides I don't care if I die. ",I said and stuff my mouth with tacos.

Information about Ian?Ian is that blad person from one year ago who told my family to shoot me.Actually he weared me a bullet proof vast before my family shot me.

He saved me also showed me the truth of others.He thinks I should not belive him but I know I should.He is a gay. He works for some person but he could never tell me who and even being the demon queen I could not detect his phone calls.

Ian and Kayden kept my identity hidden till I went to my own funeral.The bullets my family shot at my heart didn't piecre my heart but my arm was injured.

After one month that incident I was healed.Ian and Kayden begged me to train physically but I know I am fine the way I am.

It still hurts that my family betrayed me but I will never show it to anyone. This was my promise to myself but I broke that promise today!

"Boss is coming",Ian said sighing.My head snaps towards him.

"You meon youwe boss?",I said with tacos stuffed in my mouth.He grumbles."First eat then talk!",he said and nods.

"Oh but am telling you.I won't wear any dress to meet him!",I said walking towards the gate to see who is coming like a kid.He gasps.

"No!You can't meet him in your undies.God knows how much troudle I had to get to make you wear panties everyday but am not doing it with you again! ",Ian said. I chuckle and stuff my moyth with more tacos and walking outside but I bump into someone.

"Stupid!Stupid!Stupid man!",I curse at the man infront of me without seeing him.I look up to see the new guy from the race.

"Meet my boss!",Ianan saidd pointing at the suit wearing guy.

The guy's eye stucks at my chest."Eyes up here!",I snap.Hiis cold eyes met mine.

"Who are you and why did you do what you do?",I said.

Then Ace freaking Hernandez comes in my god damn living room with his buddy Nic behind this new guy."Get.Out!",I said to Ace and Nic.

"Shut up.And listen to me!",the new guy deadpans.

"I am Lucifer Ace Hernandez. The mafia king.And he is not Ace. ",the new guy said.

I stare at him in confusion."wait,what?",I said totally confused.

The new guy then started circling me."One year ago when I was coming to italy to marry you something happened.So,Fred here married you disguised as me.We pull all the act that Fred loves you and all.Also the girl what her name was. oh,yes.Emma.Also the great mafia ball to announce you mafia queen and me mafia king never held so none never saw my face.It is as simple as that!",The real Ace said.

I grab his damn collar."I could have had sex woth this Fred and loved him!Hell,I even cuddled with him damn it!All for your sick games!",I growl at him.He smirks at me.

"You really thought Fred saved you?When the blast happened did you even saw my face. You were busy curing me to see my face!Even at hospital when you came in everyone was in a daze and my half face was covered with gauze that none saw me. ",he said smirking.Everything he said is true.

I leave his collar."Why?",I asked.

"Everything has a right time.",was his shitty reply.

"I lost my first kiss to your men because of you!",I grumble at him.

"I love used woman, more.",he said smirking.My hands met his cheek with so much force ot made a thud noise.

"If you said that sentence ever in your god damn life ever again I will cut your tounge and bury it six feet under ground!",I said to him.He just stares at me.

"And you Fred or not. I am filing divorce right,now!",I shout at the fake Ace my face becoming red with anger.Fred or should I say fake Ace nods.

"That marriage contract was fake like the priest was fake in your wedding.",real Ace said.

"Are you freaking kidding me?",I said at him and glare at everyone.

"South!Your whole family squad and Russians will be visting your casino in Vegas.Today!",Ian said.I stomp my feet on the ground with anger.

"Ahhhhhhhh!",I scream in anger shaking my mansion and it's people.I can't curse like others so screaming is my only remedy!

"I hate travelling!",I said after my voice almost broke from screaming.

"After Vegas we are getting married and getting our titles! ",Ace said walks upstairs towards my room.Wait,what?

"That is my room.",I shout.

"No,it is our room.",he shouts back.

I slap Fred before going to my room to see him in the shower.I put on a big t-shirt. I ain't dressing up like a doll!

(After few hours)
I grumble as I get out of the big t-shirt.We just reached Vegas.Ace rules Vegas as a part of America like I said Italina mafia and Ace's mafia rules America half and half.

So maybe Vegas fell on Ace's part.Ace forced me to ride with him in his jet.I feels weird to call him Ace after I knew Fred was Ace.

I am now in Ace's hotel's suite.I take a quick realxing bathe and change into a red t-shirt that has weird writtings all over it.Also I wear my red panties and black leggings.

I brush my hair and put some eyeliner and nothing else.Ace comes from the other bedroom in a black suit."You are really going in your fancy casino in that? ",Ace said amused.

"My casino.My outfit!",I deadpan.

Author's note:Hi,guys. I thought it would be super fun to play a little game.I will tell you guys some of my information about me as you can tell me about yourself.First,where are you guys from?I will tell whehere I am from in next chapter.Adios!

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