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"My wife!My right!",Ace shot back.

"You mean Fred's wife!",I said and brush past him and wear my blaack platform heels.I stand up and I am pushed to the wall with so much force.

My black eyes meets Ace's green angry eyes."You. are. mine.",He growls. I menatlly smirk but my eyes held amusement.

"Right!",I said with sarcasm and slip under his arms .

"I am not anyone's possession.",I said coldly and walk outside.

I drive my mustang to my casino. I walk out of the car when Ace's hand hold my hand.How the hell did he came here so fast?

I don't question him but walk imside to see many teenagers, men,women in fancy clothers.

"Ma'am.I think you are in a wrong place ",a staff member said.

"No.This is my casino.",I said.He looks at me with suspicion but I walk past him towards the secret side.

The two guards stops me!Ugh!This is my casino!Even thiugh I only bought it a few years ago.

I gave both of my men a glare as they understood who I am and stands down.I walk inside to see my dad,brothers and my dear sister Eva.Note the sarcasm.

Also russian mafia,chinesse mafia (whom I never met),Ace,,Kayden and Indian mafia.

"Well,well.How do I own the pleasure of the whole mafia family in my casino?",I said and stand infront of them.

" Mexican mafia belongs to Kayden.",Eva said smirking.

"Kayden?Who is your leader?",I said to Kay.Kay smirks.

"Mafia queen aka You.",Kayden said.

I put my gun on Eva's head."Next time I won't explain anything. I will just pull this trigger.",I said smiling sweetly at her as Leo puts his gun on my head.

I remove my gun so does Leo."Who are you?",Leo said to Ace.

"He is the mafia king!",the short chinees mafia leader said in 'duh' tone.I start laughing at all the surprised looks.

I sit beside Ace. "Anything for you,ma'am? ",one of the girls who were sitting beside Feta and other mafia leaders said.I shake my head 'No'.

She sits on my lap.I am not attracted to girls!"Ace,help!",I whisper yell at him.Only he and Leo has no girl on their laps.

Ace looks at me amused."Tell me,whose are you first?",he teases me.

"I am yours.Now,please!",I said immdeatly.

He smirks and snaps his finger infront of the girl. The girl huffs but walks away.I sigh in relife.

"Hey,queen.",a voice said.I look to my left side to see a Ring where people are fighting.How come I forgot about the underground street fight in my own casino.Thiss is the whhole reason everyone is here!Damn it!

"What!",I shout at the fat guy who won the fight.

"We never have seen you fighting.Only gun shot.So fight?",he said smirking.

"Nah.I will pass.",I said casually.

"Yeah, right.It doesn't take a man to pull a trigger but it surely does need one to attack someone with bare hands.",the man huffs.

"You do know you are talking with me.",I said chuckling darkly.

"I will give you respect if you have the bone to enter this ring.",the man said.

I stand and walk towards the ring and enter.Ace warns me with his eyes but I brush off.
"You will fight me?",I asked the guy.

"No.Our best strtreet fighter aka Diego Morerrti will fight with you.",he said. Dieago's eyes widen.

"Come on,sir.",the man cheers.Dieago hesitates.

"Yes.You never hesitate to give me a bullet so why are you thinking before giving me a punch?",I mock him.

Every  mafia now has curious eyes at Dieago.Dieago glares at me while I wink at him.

He orders the girls on his lap to move.Then he rolls the sleeve of his shirt and walk towards the ring. I could see all my brothers tensed while Eva is smirking.

Dieago enters the ring.We circle each other."Remeber,D?How you once promised me to bring me to see your street fighting? ",I said in whisper so only he could hear me.

Love,hurt and self hatred flashes in his eyes.Love towards me. Hurt to fight his own blood.Self hatred for pulling the trigger towards me?

"I remeber, South.But maybe you forgot how all of us loved you.",he said in whisper as the whistle rings and both of us charge against each other.

"I never forgot.You know how much it takes to make me hate someone.You also know I can never forgive anyone!",I said as I dodge his punch.

But he grabs my waist and pushes me on the ground."You know what big bro means to all of us.We had to follow his orders!",he said punching me.

"No,brother.You also know if you even once declined Leo to shot me none of my other brothers will never pull the trigger!",I said as I get hard punch on my whole body.

"I...I but Eva's life was in danger. ",he said.

"So was Loren and Fiona's. why aren't you taking their name, brother?",I said as I try blocking his punches.

"Because Xavier and Vince was ready to sacrifice them but Leo wasn't sacrificing Eva!",he said in whisper as he kicks my ribs.

"You sacrificed your own freaking blood for Eva!",I said now understanding.A huge blast of anger surrounds me.

I kick Dieago hard and stand up. "You know brother. Jennifer used to beat me in my secand grade because I had no control of my anger and beat the evver living shit out of students.",I said chuckling darkly as he circles me like a predator.

"That South was asleep till today you wokeoke her!",I shout and charge towards him.

I kick his left leg without warning and he fells.I sit on his stomach and start punching his chest and face.And when I say my punches are not delicate I mean it.

He tries to stop mee but I pin his both arms with my right had ad keep punching him with another."I loved you!I trusted you!You know how freaking much I wanted just to hugug you the moment I saw you in my funeral!You dumb!Yet you will always choose Eva!",I said as I punch him harder.

Author's note:Hey guys!I told you I will tell you guys where I am form.Even though I am self consicous about it. I will give you a hint.'My county is called the riverine country.It is there where she is covered between two big countries.My country has a forest named 'Beautiful forest'.'.

End of hint.Another question.Do you guys like Jonas brothers?If yes.Then whihich brother is your favourite?

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