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After nine months
I swing my leg in the swimming pool back and forth. We came to Italy for a few days.

I am sudden thrown into pool. "VALENTINE!",I scream in anger.The younger triplets and Valentine laughs. I glare at them and come out of the pool soaking wet.

"DAD!",I yell. "Valentine! Axel!Theo!Vince!Lucas!",Dad growls.

"You are mom,now.You don't need to complain to, dad!",Lucas said throwung me a glare.I stuck my tounge out at them.

I hear cries.I walk inside to see Dieago walking around the house with my first born (Aaron) happily but Ace is struggling with my second twin(Adrian) as he cries.

"Oh,my baby.",I said and pick Adrian up.Both my six month old baby boy.He whimpers and speaks gibberish. "Yes,baby.Yes,I understand.",I said patting and rubbing his back as he speaks gibberish.

Suddenly,he giggles as Lucas makes a weird face at him.Axel makes a more weirder face at Adrian.Adrian giggles and starts jumping in my arms.

But suddenly he stops movong as he glances at something behind him.I turn to see Vince with Vince's little baby boy(Angelo)who was born prematuer but now healty. Being born one month before the twins he is one month older brother.

Xavier comes in with his daughter(Leah)Yes,folks Fiona,Loren and I got pregant together. Leah is younger than the twins for one month.

Angelo makes grabby hacnds at Xavier and Xavier picks Angelo from Vince.That makes Adrian greedy.He also makes grabby hands at Xavier.

Xavier looks like a deer caugh in head light.Valentine picks Adrian from me and places him on Xavier's shoulder. Adrian happily grabs Xavier's hair.

I look at my other brothers in amusement as we all share smirks.Xavier looks like he os in trouble."Brother,Aaron is also making grabby hands.",Dieage said smirking.

Xavier gulps."Where will I take him?", Xavier said and Dieage makes Aaron sit on Xavier's toes.Xavier can't even walk or talk.

All of us start taking pictuers of Xavier."What is going on?",Leo said coming out of
his office.

"Xavier is handling all our kids except yours.Where is Eva?" I ask him.

"She was out for grocery shopping.",Leo said shrugging and amusment flickers tobhis eyes as he alsobstarts taking pictuers.

"I HOME!",A cute Landon screams as he enters the house with Eva.

"Wow.Landon is home! ",I cheer.

"Uncle Xavy?",Landon said cutely.

"Baby,go and sit on Xavy.",Leo ushers Landon smirking.Xavier shots Leo a death glare.

Landon looks in deepb thoughts.He slowly walks towards Xavier. I am literaly squealing to see where Landon sits.

But Landon surprises us by trying to pick Aaron as Aaron makes grabby hands at Landon.He finally ables to sit Aaron on his small hip.

"Bo-bo!",Adrian said and makes grabby hands at Landon who grins.

"Uncle Xavy give Adrian to me.",Landom said.All of us share worried glances.

"Honey,you won't be able to pick him.",Eva finally said.Landon puffs his chest showing he can.Vince gives Adrian to Landon worriedly.

But the scene comes  out so cute.Landon holds Adrian but Adrian slips from his waist and sits automatically on Landon's toes hugging Landon's knees.

All of us laugh at Landon's shocked face.I love my family.

After four almost five years later
I chew on my lips seeing the pregnancy test.I am so nervous.'Positive'.

I sigh.It was expected after Ace's behaviour of a animal in heat."South?",Ace's worried voice comes.Why is he here?Wasn't he supposed to be in a meeting?

"C..Coming.",I stammer. I come out of the bathroom hiding the test.I see Ace holding Aaron and Adrian's hand tightly.

"Ace,what happened?",I ask and he starts examing me up to down

"Youu..are...ok,right?Are you hurt?",Ace said panicked.

"Yes,Ace.I am.What happened?",I said frowning.He runs his hand through his hair.

"Elijah,Tristan,Adrian are death along with your grandparents.",he blurts out.

I look at him shocked."What?How?",I ask.He stays quite for a moment."ACE!",I shake his body.

"Someone is threathing the whole mafia.Not me,not just you the whole mafia and gangs.

The bodies of Elijah,Tristan and Adrian was found in their own room with slit throats and your grandparents were killed while saving ypur brothers. They accidentally saw the assisain entering the house and called the guards but lost their own lives.",Ace said.

I stare at the coffins with no emtions.I lost my three brother and my grandparents
. How am I supposed to feel?Numb?Hurt?Broken?Or a deep empty hole in my chest.

I glance at Fabien who is in Elijah's coffin. Leo nudges me on the shoulder."Tell him to come up.They can't bury him if Fabien's not up here.",Leo said softly.I nod barely.

I walk in the deep six feet hole my brother will be buried forever. Fabien is looking at Elijah's coffin with no emotion.Their sister for whom they shot at me few years ago didn't even bother coming.

"Fabien,we have to go. ",I said softly and put my hand on his shoulder. He shrugs off harshly.

"They are gone,Fab.Nor you or me bring them back.",I said.He breaks down. I hug him tightly.

"They left me!They left me!Elijah was supposed to be my side. Complaing about my work.I can't live without him.",Fabien said crying loudly as I hug him.

"Tristan and Adrian bet with me a week ago and now they left me?

Wh..who will help me when I am wrong?Who will slap me when I have no sense?",Fabien cries on and on.I never saw him so broken.

None's pov
After a few days
South looks infront of her with saddness seeing her boys playing rembered her how important brothers are to her.

FETA was her borthers as much as her blood relative brothers.The whole mafia is searching for the assasian like mad dogs yet no progress even South is failing.

South feels a presence sit beside her as she looks at Adrian and Aaron playing in their garden."How is it going?",South asks.

"Nothing. ",Ian said sighing.

"Where are we going wrong. Ian?!We are trying everything!Where are we getting weak!",South suddenly said to Ian desperately the question shehe was holdibg on.

"Do you really want to know?",Ian asks.South nods.

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