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I gave him another punch as now he is bruised I stand up."Match isn't over.",the fat guy said.

"It is for me.",I said but the flesh on my back felt like it was on fire.Everyone's eye widen."SOUTH!",Leo and Fabien screams as I see black dots dancing infront of me.Is this the end?

Nah,my story has no ending!

Adios,amigos!I passed out.

Leonardo aka Dad
My sweet baby is lying in the hospital bed unconscious. "Excuse me,We need blood for patient.Who is the realtives?",the doctor said.

The new Ace and my sons raises their hands but I don't.I know South is not my own blood.Because her mother cheated on me with Dante so there is a possibilty she is Dante's girl.I got a news from my spy that Dante had two daugters.If one is dead that means South is the other one.

My blood was boiling to hear that. That was also the day we were held captured by some bald guy.That is the reason I shot her that day but I don't know why but I felt like a part of me was taken away from me that day I shot her with her brothers.

But my joys knew know bound when I found out she was alive.I don't why I feel attached to Dante's daughter.Maybe because I still hope she is my blood.Or maybe because she looks so much like me. Or maybe because I think she is innocent and doesn't know who is her real father.

"None of our blood matched with South.",Leo said snapping me out of my thoughts.

He doesn't know but I know why the blood didn't match."Dad.You should give samples too.",Axel said.

"Yes,sir.Ms.South needs blood as soon as possible.",the doctor said.

"I don't think it will match.",I admit.

"Just give it a damn try.",Dieago said rubbing his temples.He has been crying at night ever since he shot South one year ago and now he is trying to hold back his tears.

I nod weakly.Truth cannot be hidden.The doctors takes my blood."The rest will be in ten minutes since we really need her match.",the doctor said.

We wait.The mafia king aka Ace is looking stone cold and Fabien ad his brothers looks regretful.After some minute the doctor returns with a smile."Congratulations!The blood matched.All your sons blood matched with her but our lab tecnical team made a mistake.We are sorry.",the doctor said.

My head snap towards him.What is this man saying?How can the blood match?"Are you sure?",I said.

"Of course,I am.Even your DNA is same.",the doctor said. He takes Lucas to take the blood since he voluntered.

But all the eyes in the waiting area is now on me.Ace chuckles darkly."You thought South wasn't you blood.Not just you but your sons thought that, too.And you shot her.",Ace said .

I look at my sons see their guilt face meaning they also heard the spy and my conversation that day."Leo?",I said in disbelife.Leo avoids my eye contact.

"What?Are you guys fucking insane?",Elijah roars.

"Watch your tounge, boy.",I warn him.

"Watch your tounge,old man.We shot at Souuth only to save our blood that day but you betrayed her for a misunderstanding!How could you?",Adrian shouts.

A nurse shushes him."This is a hospital not your house. ",she said as we all become silent. Realization hits me.I shot my own freaking blood!My South!My baby girl!

Lucas returns after giving his blood.We all can't even match eyes with anyone. We berayed the first rule of our mafia,"Family comes before everything".

(After a day)
I open my eyes to meet with white hospital room.Wow!Another bastard dhot me.Pardon,my language."Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!",I scream in anger.I can't curse constantly so screaming is my only way to let everyone see my anger.

But I didn't expect to see Feta,Italian mafia family and mafia king to enter my room with guns in their hands. "What?",Valentine snaps and rubs his eyes meaning I disturbed his beauty sleep.

"Another bastard shot me!!!",I huff like a two year old.

"I hate you.",Valentine grumbles as other yawns and gives me irritated looks.

"Isn't that feeling mutual,brother?",I mock him.

"Does anyone has a damn laptop?",I snap feeling grumpy.Kayden gives me mine.

"Now,get out of my room.",I snap at everyone.They got angry by my constant snapping and point their guns at me threating me with raised eyebrow.

I raise my eyebrows mockingly."Didn't I survive sixteen plus two equal. Oh,yes.Eighteen bullet with three in my heart which makes twenty one bullet total.So,I will live.Also I don't fear death.",I deadpan.

They all roll their eyes but I can see a type of guilt on everyone's eyes."Spilt out what is it. ",I deadpan and pen my laptop hacking every CCTV around the fight area where I was shot.

"We are sorry. That day we shot you we got a message that Dante had two daughters. So, we thought the another one is you.So,we shot you that day in exchange of the girls and your grandparents.",Dad blured out.

I choke on air.They thought I was Dante's daughter?For god's sake I have dad's hair and attitude.

I notice my brothers trying to hold back their laugh."Did I just said that out loud?",I asked.They nod laughing.

"Why didn't you guys just did a DNA test before shooting me?",I said typing on my laptop.

"Eva said her messenger also has evidence that you are Dante's daughter.",Leo said.I point my gun at him.

"I swear, Big bro.You take the name of your love ever again infront of me my gun will pierce your brain.",I warn him angrily.He chuckles.Wait!Did I just call him big bro?I was using brother to mock them. Brother was never our thing it was bro.

"Ok,So itt looks like a assisan named Black shadow shot at me.He is a twenty yeear old man and His real name is......wait!What?",I said dhocked at what my lapaptop is showing me.

Author's note:
Hi guys,I know I asked which Jonas brother is my fav. I love them all and their songs plus wives.But I have a announcement. I am not from where I hinted I was. I actually visited their once.But guys I really don't like your opinion about Asians.A reader once pm me where I am from.I told I am Asian.He was like,"You write good compared to a asian".What was that supposed to mean?We,asian arre human like persons from other countries.

We are creative, too.Maybe we just don't get opportunities like other countries.And Asians can write good stories, too.Do you know Rabindranath Tagore(a asian) got nobel prize for lietaratuer?

I know you guys didn't mean it that way. And I don't mind if you guys comment and point my mistakes in the book but I am self. concious to write here in a platfrom where many persons from developed country writes and reads.Maybe they are better than me.So it kinda pings when you say 'You write well as a asian'.Please don't judge my writting for where I am from.Sorry for the huge note.

By the way, Whom do you like more Shawn Mendes's Lover or Shawn Mendes's Senorita?Also I think I desrve a 'thank you' dm for early update?:)
Just kidding.Adios!:)

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