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"God,I am loving it!",Ian said. I gave him a glare.How can he love this?

Confused?Let me help you.After South's borthers pouncing at me we were ambushed.

That is the actual reason no mafia should live in one place for a long time.My own guards were turned against me and I had no time calling my men.

FETA and Italian mafia is also captured. Where is South if you may ask? She betrayed!

Ten hours ago
Gunshots is heard as goons surronds us and we trying our best to defence.

Everyone is fighting except  Kay, Ian and South.One of the bastard kicked my gun and it lands on South's feet.

"South!Gun!",I yell at her.She just stares at me with a smirk.

"King!My foot!", the bastard said and bangs my head with a rod.I black out.

End of flashback
Everyone of us were captured except South herself. Ian said the enemies offered South her life in exchange of ours.She happily sacrificed us.

But I know something is wrong.South will never betray me!

I taste the salty metalic liquid called blood. The look around. Everyone of us is ties to the wall with heavy metal chains that is used to hold ships.

Bloody pathetics.If they want us killed they could fight but no!They decided to fight from back.Bloody cowards.I don't evem know who kidnapped us and held us hostage.

"I hate South.",Dieago growls.

"She must has something planned.",I said but don't know if I am trying to convince myself or them.

The dim lighted room opens with a loud thud. The person who comes in shocks me to death.

It is Axel!South's youngest brother.And behind him is a blonde with green eyes."Axel.Free us.They will be coming any moment,now.",Xavier said.

Axel smirks."Who is Axel?Are you talking about me?",Axel said with a frown.Then he laughs humour lessly.

"I killed Axel,dear brother Oops!Step brother!",Axel growls the last part.

I just stare at Axel with no emotions.Sometimes we should just let what is happening ans wait for the right time.

"Confused? Let me help you guys.I am Francis. Dante's eldest child and transgender son.",Axel said with a wicked smirk.

"Not to forget I have under gone surgeries to make my face ugly like your dear brother Axel.",Axel I mean Francis says.

South's brothers and dad looked like they will kill Francis by their eyes only.

I focus on the girl beside Frncis.She looks familiar!"Also do you guys know your so-called Mafia queen sold you guys to me in return of the control to the nuclear bomb planted on italy, spain and france.She is a smart woman.",Francis said.

My jaw dropped.Yes,we (South and I)  consider ourselves the mafia king and queen but with the nuclear bomb.She now has the power to make the whole word bow down to her.Knowing her I am sure that she already planted the control of the nuclear bomb in her body to contro it from whenever and wherever she wants.

Even if anypne wants to kill her they have to think twice.I start chuckling."Did I say a joke?",Francis said.

"No,but you are a dumb idiot!You gave her all the control of the world and now you will lose everything.",I said with a smirk.

He growls."I will die happily.Taking my family's revenge.I will not lose anything.",Francis said.

We hear gunshots.Francis smirks."Hear that?That are my men trying to perfect their aim at you guys.So,one bullet will be enough to kill each person of you.",Axel said and the door bursts open.

Dark side of mafia queen [completed]Where stories live. Discover now