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"Gosh!I feel sticky!",I said panting as I lay on my bed after mine's first time making love or should I say 'fuck'.

Ace chuckles."We just had two sessions of sex and all you could think about is how sticky you are?",he said amused.I scoff. After his question of 'who I am' he looked at me and we kinda kissed.

Then things got insane and we both had mind blowing 'you - know - what' or should I say baby making way.I snuggle in Ace's chest.He wraps his hands around me as I do the same with him.

"Ace,we-OMG!",the voice of Ian comes.Ace and I jump up. I wince due to pain."Cover your boobs!",Ian cries out loud as he covers his eyes.

"Knock before you enter.",I and Ace cry out in embarrasement.Ian shuts the door with a loud thud."Are you ok? ",Ace asks seeing me whimper in pain.

"Yeah,just a little sore.",I said trying to control my pain.Ace wasn't at all small by any mean or nor was he too harsh but still it hurts a lot!Next thing I know?I am being carried bridal style by none other than my husband.

"We need bath.",he said as he puts me on the bathtub and opens the warm water tap.He joins me.We wash each other and change.My back still isn't healed due to gunshot.

So Ace helps me to wear my clothes and carries me downstairs. "Why do I smell fuck from you?",Dieago's voice comes!Can't they just leave me alone?

Also I bathed so how can I smell?"What are you talking about?",I said as I spot my family except Axel, Feta with my men surrounding them and Kay with Ian in our large living room.

"You lost your virginity. Didn't you?",Elijah said smirking.I gave him a 'Yup' look and he fist bumps me.What?I still don't forgive them but why should I stop enjoying their company just because they betrayed me
Like I can't have fun with them after I am a victim yet they can have fun when they are the responsible ones!

Nah!I don't think so!Ace puts me on the couch as others sits beside me."Kay!Laptop!",I demand before anyone can say anything.I hack into everyone's phone amd stop the phone's functions as well as the communication system of their phones or any devices.

I put my laptop down."Look,First of all let's get down to busniess!Ok?Axe was not Black Shadow's real name.Dante's daughter isn't really a girl.She is a transgender. she was a girl but she changed her gender and now she is a boy!",I blurted out.

"You called us in Spain for this?",Fabien asks frowning.

"Shit!Axel needs to know!",Leo said.

"No,Axel isn't really Axel.",I blurted out.

They all gave me 'WTF' look.

"Did you guys remeber the day I graduated from medical college?",I said with a busniess look.

"What does it has with Axel?",Xavier sqid frowning.

"Do. you.remember.or.not!",I gritt out.

"We remember.",Dieago said as realization hits him.

3 years ago
"Axel!Come on!Pick up your damn phone!",I groan as Axel cuts his call.He didn't joined my graduation party!He has been absent all day which is so unlike him!

"Sis!I am here!",Axel shouts from downstairs but something was wrong in his voice."Sis?Really?What happened to South Africa?",I said referring to the nickname he gave me.His eyes widen like a chicken caught in head light.

"I decided to change.",he shrugs."You missed my party!",I pout.

"Sorry,honey.I was busy.",he said kissing my temple!What!Axel was never this cringy!"Axel Morerrti!Where have you been all day!",Dad scolds as Dad and Leo comes in with his new gf Eva

"Oh,shush,old man!Stop scolding him!",I said as I smile and look at Axel to find him with a saidst look."Ax.",I said shaking him.

"Nothing.I will go and get a bath.",he said.My brother and going to bath willingly!But I shrug it off.

Ever since then Axel has been kinda weird."Axel isn't our own blood?",Dieago blurts out.

I face palm myself.And here I thought this big head has a brain in his skull."Nothing makes sense!",Leo said.

"Everything makes sense.Just promise me one thing.",I said hesitantly.

"What?",everyone said in unison."Don't leave me like you guys did in Moscow.The plan I am about to pull is not for a person with disloyal connections.We,all know mafia is a hard thing.If we keep fighting among each other it will take seconds for FBI and other gangs to destroy our legacy and I fear that something is about to go off after only one day.",I said.

"Is it what I think it is?",Ace whispers in my ear and I nod.Ace's face becomes hard.

"We will not leave you.",everyone said frimly except Leo.

"South, I love Eva and Landon so much but not more than you.So,I vow to stand by you.",Leo said frimly.

"Don't worry,big bro.Landon is no less than my own child.I will protect him.",I said softly understanding his worry.He smiles.

"Didn't Axel got suspicious when you guys left him alone in italy?"Adrian asks and I smirk.

"He is still asleep due to my medicine that I told Lola to put in his food.",I said.

"When do you do all this?",Ace asks shocked.

"When you handcuffed me on the hospital bed.",I shrug at him.

"He did what?",Dad,  Valentine,Luke and Theo shouts.

"Geez!They literally married and had sex.What do you expect?",Ian said using his un fitered mouth!

Valentine and Diego in a blink of an eye pounces on Ace.Ace being mafia king he defneds back."Shut up!!!!", I scream and they stops.

"It is my vagina and my body to decide who I fuck!Also,shut the hell up!And you, Mr.Ace Hernandez!You are sleeping in the couch tonight!",I snap.

They duck their heads like kids.

Dark side of mafia queen [completed]Where stories live. Discover now