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"His name is Axe.",I said not telling the true name.

"Ok.I am now need all of you to leave me except Ace and Kay.",I said.They gave me suspicious look.I narrow my eyes at them and they left leaving Ace and Kay.

"Kay!You have the papers I just text you?",I said to Kay.Ian enters that time.Kay nods.

"What paper?",Ace said.

"Just sign it.It is a marriage contract of you and me.Sign it or I will kill myself,right now. I can't take this bullshit anymore.",I said sighing.Ace rolls his eyes but signs it.I sign it, too.

"Yuppy!We are married!",I said with fake excitement as Ian gives Ace a ring to give me.Ace slips the ring one my finger as I slip another band on his finger.

"First couple to marry in a hospital.",Ian snickers.

"At least I am not having sex in hospital like you and Kay.",Ace snaps.I laugh.
Kay and Ian smirks.

Ian brings the things I told him to bring via laptop just rogjt now Ace's eyes almost pop out of their socket.

"S...South?",he said.

"What?",I snap.

"Don't what me! What is this spanks, handcuffs and other s-e-x toys for?",he almost shout.

"Kay and Ian!Out!"I said. They both went out giving me a wink.

"Ok,First!I am tired of getting shot.Ok?I want to have a normal life with a husband and babies!But if I get shot this much, I don't think I will lose my virginity before I die.Ok?And I am no saint to die as a virgin mary!Ok?So Just fuck me!Stick your manhood in my vagina or I am going to Fred and lose my virginity.",I snap.

Ace's mouth is now on the floor.He brusts out laughing.I scowl."You really want to have sex because you don't want to die virgin?",he laughs again.

I scowl at him."So....sleep with me. ",I said pouting.

"Babe,I will sleep with you everynight but not tonight.You are tired.I fell for you the day you saved your whole family alone from Dante.You are a tigress. Don't let yourself be afraid of everyone.",Ace said but all I could hear was a speech.

"Blah-blah-blah!",I mimick him.

He rolls his eyes.I mimick him when I hear a click noise. Wait,what?I look up to see I am cuffed with the bed!Yuppi!Happy dance!

"Oh,no,mafia queen.I am locking you with the bed so you can rest not have fuck.",Ace growls in my ear.Shiz!

"Ace!Ace Hernandez! Uncuff me this instant! ",I growl at him but he is already out of the room.I huff but I grab the laptop from the nightstand with one hand and start typing on the things and texting Ian and Kay my next orders.

I have to find the true culprit!

Next day
"Tell me,again.Why did I left the hospital when all I have to do is sleep! ",I snap at Ace.He rolls his eyes.We are now at Spain's Ace's mansion.

"If I tell you I will be spending the day with you.Will it make you less grumpy?",he says to me.I nod vigoursly.He chuckles and changes into a sweat pants and sweatshirt and lays beside me.

"So,question!Tell me about yourself!",I usher.

"I am Lucifer Ace Hernandez.My whole family died when I was ten years old by a secret assisain.My mom gave her life to save me.Peple call me Lucifer because I  kill everyone mercylessly and tortuer to death.In mafia I am death himself.I faked my father Alex to hide myself because the one who strikes silently is the biggest threat.And fall for you when I saw you in the Great Mafia Ball few years ago.But I had to make Fred fake Ace so I can save you from the threat I got when I was going to your mansion.The threat was acutally a signal of underround. Someone hacked the ungerground communicate section and gave everyone a note saying 'mafia princess will die '.I removed the note from every mafia's communication system and went undercover.I had to make you strong and show the cruel sde of mafia. So I made the situation in Moscow one year ago.",Ace rambles.

Every word hits me like a truck."Why would you remove the threat note?",I said.

"It would create chaos in mafia.",he simply said.

"How did you hack so many communication system?Only I have the access to every statlite in this earth.",I said confused.

"If you are demon queen. I am also Demon King!I hacked your system.",he casually said.
My eyes widen.I punch him palyfully."You bastard!I should have known from all the twitching my laptop did thatt time!",I said. He chuckles.

"Who is South Morerrti Hernandez?",he asks chuckling.

Dark side of mafia queen [completed]Where stories live. Discover now