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A big thanks to NickyHans9
,morningbirlem.Thank you morning birlem for being my only friend in this platform and thanks to Nicky for being a great reader and giving my stories great comment!

(Note:I will be giving credits to all my fellow readers who motivated me to write more and more. Love ya all)

General Pov

'Look, I need your help!I never asked you for help.Just do it thi time.",South pleades to the girl infront of her."Are ypu sure he is alive?",the girl asks coldly.

"Yes.Everyone is.I got everything planned.",South said.

"You didn't trust me.Why should I trust you?",the ginger head asks.

"I didn't know anything back then!How am I supposed to belive you? ",South asks in disbelife.

"Fine, we are in.",the three girls said in unison.

The door brusts open."Tsk tsk tsk!Did anyone missed me?",South's voice comes.

I blink rapidly to see clearly in this dim lighted room and find my love.What is she doing here?It is dangerous!

She is wearing a black sweat pant and sweatshirt which is obviliously mine since those are loose on her and with her gun and belt."Did anyone miss us?",another girly voice said.

And South moves away and my jaw dropped.Fiona(Vince's wife),Loren(Xavier's wife) and E..E..Eva?

"Welcome to the party!",South said in sing song voice winking at me.I can't help but let out a laugh.Francis looks dumbstruck.

"Oh,did ayone missed me?",a manly voice comes from the pretty girl beside Francis who was silent till now.She removes her wig and volla!It is Axel?

"Wh..why?H..How?W..what?I...It is imp...impossible! I..I...! ",Francis was having an anixety attack by only looking at South's smirk.

"G..Guards!Gu..guards!",Francis yells.But none comes.South's smile becomes wider."Oh!Are you calling your men who competely bailed on you?And joined my force?", South asks in a sickly sweet tone.

"You bastard had the two things I feared!My brother's life and the key of the nuclear bombs.",South growls at Frnacis.

"Now I got both of them.",South said the last part with a wide smile. "Now, this ends here.",South said and aims at Francis.

Francis laughs."You can't survive.I will push this button and Boom!You all die by the bomb I planted under my warehouse."Francis laughs meniaclly showing a red button.

South's eyes widen like all of us."South,leave.South,leave here.Save yourself.",I yell at her. She looks deep in thoughts.

"This is not a time to think you idiot!Leave. Save youself.",I growl at her.

She snaps her head at me and gives me 'Do I look dumb?' look and a wide grin.

"Lore!",South calls Loren singing."Here is the bommbbb!",Loren replys in sing song voice and hands South a bomb out of nowhere.All of us smirk.

"You will not get here alive.",Francis said and points a gun at me.

"Don't!I am warning you.",South growls at Francis.

Francis smirks."Are we afraid, now?",Francis mocks South.Eva,Fiona and Loren was freeing others quitely. Everyone was free except me.

"Please.Leave him.",South begs Francis. She had tears in her eyes.I smile at her knowning she loves me.

"I love you.",I mouth to her.She looks torn apart."Bye,mafia king.May you rot in hell.",Francis said but all happened in a blink of an eye.

Eva kicks off Francis's gun.Axel uncuffs me.  "Ace!",South yells and throws her gun at me. I catch it with ease.

Francis was groaing in pain on the floor with his broken hand.I point my gun at Francis.

"Never. mess.with.mafia!",I said to him and shot him.

"That was awesome!",Ian said wolf whistling.

"I know, right?"!,South said chuckling.

"I thought you hated Eva!",I said.

"Well,turns out Francis was blackmailing Eva. He was threating her to take Axel and Landon's life.And Eva couldnot do anything but turn my brothers against me.She was sending me hidden messages.But everything was a little hazy.

So I connect the dots and finally found out everyhing.Axel was still holded hostage when we were ambushed.I had to save him.So I send him a hidden message and Axel killed Francis's gf and dressedike her with a fake nose and boobs. Then I asked Loren and Fiona for help knowing Francis had a plan B.And volla!Everything is back to normal!",South sai the last part grinning and a set of fake boobd is thrown at her nose.

"Hey!That hurts!",she wines as Axel fans his now free chest. "Damn!Those were heavy!I swear I was this close to Francis finger fucking me.",Axel wines.

All of us brust out laughing.Everyone looked happy after a ling time.South hugs me. I kiss her lips."I missed you.",I said.

"I missed you.",she said. "I think you need to do something.",I said pointing at Eva knowing South is probably too ashamed she douted Eva.

She shakes her head 'No'.I nod 'Yes'.South grumbles and walks to Eva and hugs Eva from behind.Eva had a cold face."I am sorry.",South said and both the girls brusts into tears.

"I am so so sorry.Francis made me do everything.I am so sorry. ",Eva said kissing South all over her face like a lost mother found her daughter.

South laughs."Ok!That's enough.I want my wife.",I butt in and pick South up.

She wraps her legs around my torso and my excitement pokes her belly.She laughs."Someone is excited to see me.",she whispers in my ear.

"Trust me. Always am.",I said kissing her. "Uh-Huh.God bless my virgin eyes.",Leo and Xavier cries out andnd both gets a slap.

"You both are not vrigin.",Loren and Eva said.All of us laugh."I love you.",South said to me.

"I love you more.",I reply.

Author's note:Hello,guys.I will be updating more often also did you guys like this chapter?Do you guys need a fourth book of this series?Tell me iin comments.And if you want a smut chapter of Ace and South vote. If I get 20 votes.Volla!You get a bonus cahpter😁.For now,adios, amigos.

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