Miles ~09~

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"You seem to be close to that friend of yours," I said. I don't want to sound jealous at all.

We are back at his place. His apartment is cozy and homely. I love it.

"We have been friends for years. More like family."

But he is in love with you and you are too blinded to see that.

I couldn't tell him this out loud.

Yes, I want to be selfish just for once. For once I want to hold on to someone and don't let him go just like that. Not like the way I lost my girlfriend to my best friend.

I looked at Alec who was staring back at me. Will I be able to hold on to you if the same thing happens? Will I be able to fight for you and not let you go to him just like that?

"You seem lost in your thoughts," he said. "Come back to me" he whispered and brushed his lips to mine.

Yes. Right here I give my answer.

I will fight for you. I will not lose you so easily. No. Not to anyone. Not to your best friend.

He bit his lip and looked nervous. Why?

"Can-can we?"

"Can we what?" I asked, touching his face. "Whatever it is you know you can tell me right?" I told him and he looked away blushing.

Oh. Did he mean that?

"Alec...can we what?" This time I was teasing him. Letting him say what exactly he wants from me. What he wants us to do.

"Fine, can we make love" he whispered and closed his eyes right away.

I wanted to laugh. It was cute. But I didn't. I didn't want to make him feel more embarrassed at all.

"You are so adorable," I said, pulling him to his bedroom. He followed and closed the door behind us.

"I remember my heart beating so hard that day," I told him and he adjusted himself in my arms. Giving me all his attention.

I smiled seeing how eager he wanted to know. My heart melted.

Come down miles. It is probably nothing.

My heartbeat increased when I saw Nick's car parked at my house. So he is here. Then let's get it over with. But deep down, the sting feeling keeps crawling to my skin. Why? Why was this happening to me?.

Walking slowly inside the house and closed the door behind me. The first thing I noticed was two plates of unfinished food on the table. Empty glasses and a bottle of wine. Someone had dined here.

My eyes kept roaming around my house. It felt strange. Gloomy and dark. My heartbeat increased when I saw a shoe thrown randomly near the stair. That’s Nick's shoe. I know it because I bought it for him on his birthday.

My shoulders tightened. I kept staring at the shoe, then the blouse on the third step of the stairs. Gripping my car keys, I kept going up. Heading to my bedroom. Or following the throne of clothes exactly.

A Wishful Christmas [ManxMan]  🦂 UNEDITTEDWhere stories live. Discover now