Alec ~07~

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The buzzing in my head was killing me. I opened my eyes and closed them as fast as I could. The light was of no help at all.

I opened them again and slowly scanned the room. My heartbeat slowed down as I saw him. Him standing there looking outside.

He must've ordered room service and freshened up. Changed to that. He looks hot. A white t-shirt, black jeans, and a leather coat. He wore his mask firmly as if afraid not to show any part of his face.

"You slept soundly on a stranger's bed. Aren't you scared I would do something bad to you?"

I looked at him then bit my pancake. I couldn't help but land my eyes on those lips. A tingling feeling filling over me.

"I trust you. I don't know why but I do ''I whispered.

The memories are foggy in my head. Shit. Why did I have to drink so much?

I keep trying to retrace my memories from last night but nothing comes to mind. Ever since I woke up this morning on that king-sized bed, in this five-star hotel, I feel like I am in a dream.

God, I hope I am not dreaming.

I have seen this hotel most of the time. And all the branches of the same hotels all over the world. The Reynolds hotels have the best quality in service and everything. And I got to sleep in it.


I know I have to be suspicious of this man, but to my surprise, I am not. No part of me is anxious even a bit. In return, I want to spend more time with him.

From time to time I stare at his lips and lick my own. Why do I feel like I have tasted those lips? Why do I feel like I know how those lips kiss and taste like?

I locked my eyes again to feel it. To try and remember what exactly happened last night but... failing.

"What do you want for Christmas?"

I got to my senses when he asked me that. Why? Why would he care what I want? My heart clenched at the mention of Christmas.

I almost forgot. He made me forget about this month for what? Three hours ever since I woke up? Shit.

I opened my mouth to answer him. Contemplating if I should be honest or not. I chose honesty after I looked into those green eyes of his.

"I don't know, I guess ever since I was a kid that's what I've always wanted. A snowman is taller than me. But now that I am older, I don't think anyone will ever make a snowman this tall." I ended up smiling at my stupid childhood Christmas gifts.

For the first time, I felt free. Like bringing out my inner child and letting him play and have everything in the world.

Miles stayed silent and kept looking at me. Giving me all his attention. I like that.

My face started changing. My smile dimmed and my heart raced. And when I looked at him, I certainly saw the questionable look on his face. How?

I looked at Miles for a moment then smiled. I wanted to be honest with him. The urge to not hiding anything from this man was driving me crazy more than anything.

A Wishful Christmas [ManxMan]  🦂 UNEDITTEDWhere stories live. Discover now