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"You should go see him"

"And bring him flowers"

"Yes, Men like flowers too. A good romantic gesture"

"Are you saying am not romantic?"

"Sir, what color do you prefer?" The nice old man asked me. I have just been staring at these flowers for so long. The conversation between Christopher and Matthew is getting in my head.

Will Alec like this? Am not making a fool of myself am I?

"I am sure he will love them. It's not the flowers but the person giving them that matters" I looked up and the old man was smiling from ear to ear. Ever since I met Alec, things have been different. Even people recognize me and are kind to me. Or is it just my imagination?

He smiled more and I noted. My eyes soften to show him I agree. I know it takes some time for people to see me through the mask, but those who do can see when I am smiling and when I am not.

"I hope so," I said, picking up the white roses and mixing them with a few red ones. Perfect combo.

Smiling to myself, I glanced at the bracelet he gave me. He deserves so much more than flowers. So much more.

"Thank you," I said and went back to my car. My heart was jumping from time and time and I couldn't stop the smug face I was making. Jeez, I hope he loves this.

My surgery is coming up tomorrow and I want him to see me one last time. I don't know if it's the way he likes me like this or the fact that I have gotten comfortable being around him.

Haven't thought about my face when I am with him.

"Oh, it's you," a voice said behind me the moment I got out of the car. Sighing I let go, turning to look at her.

That's Alec's girlfriend, what was she doing here?

I didn't want to make a scene or let my heart get jealous over nothing. This was the second time I am coming to Alec’s place.

The place is cozy. Christmas decorations all over the neighborhood. Alec deserves to be here. The area is homely and lively in the first place.

"Where is he?" I asked. She folded her arms to her chest and looked at me from head to toe. I wanted to chuckle and tell her to go to hell or something. But kept it inside and let her have the fair share of what she wants.


"Thank you"

"Hmmm, before that" she got closer to me and I took a step back. "Do you know that you are nothing but an experiment?"

Experiment? What is she talking about?

I looked at where Alec's house was and the door was open. Some music playing inside and people laughing. He must have friends over. Shot. Why didn't I call before I came here?

But the sentence didn't go unnoticed in my heart. There was that slightly uncomfortable that spread through me. No. I should trust alec. He gave his trust to me even when he didn't know me.

A Wishful Christmas [ManxMan]  🦂 UNEDITTEDWhere stories live. Discover now