Alec ~10~

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"So he was the reason for all your discomfort last time and when you ran away in a hurry?"

It's been a day and I couldn't stop smiling. I have a date with Miles a few minutes from now, but here I am being questioned by my best friend.

Shit, why did he have to be the one seeing us that day? I don't have time for this, I should be with miles right now not here answering dumb questions.

"Am talking to you Alec"

"He is a friend, okay" I answered, irritated by him. Dev is the last person I should get irritated towards. He is kind and always there to help me in a blink of an eye. I took a deep breath and counted to five, I need to fucking calm down, this is dev I am talking to.

" his name is Miles and he-"

"Wait a minute, Miles? Your Miles? Your first love, first crush?"

Dev cut me short with his question as his eyes went all wide and his mouth opened surprisingly. And the memories of the person he is talking about came to kind. It's been a few days since I haven't thought about him. My Miles.

Wow. How did he do that? Make me forget about my stupid first crush just like that?

"But, that Miles is different, talkative, handsome, without forgetting a fucking billionaire who is probably somewhere in the Bahamas enjoying his vacation instead of being here with you hiding under the mask-"

Then he went silent as if he was thinking something. I turned my attention to him, whenever that happens it is as if he found out something.

But no, that can't be the Miles he is talking about. That Miles has gone missing for about three months now. I haven't heard from him. It's this period of the year where he would show up to events of donations and giving out to people. It is this time of the year where I got to spend my time watching his smile from all the videos sent to social media about him.

Does he know? That he made things easier for me even when he doesn't know me? how can he know you even exist Alec, stop dreaming?

"No, that's not him. This Miles is another one, completely different. Doesn't talk much, hides things, and is kind of mysterious" I said, a smile creating on my face.

Dev looked at me then nodded his head. I could see his eyes still deep in thought. I want to ask what he was thinking about but I have to go back to my date now.

"You should invite him to hang out, or are you ashamed of him meeting your friends?"

"Am not ashamed, but we both know our friends, things will turn dark in a minute and the last thing I want is for miles to feel bad"

"You just really like this guy"

"I do," I said with a smile on my face. But, I didn't miss the tone of Dev's voice when he said that. Am not mistaken right? Did he sound jealous? But why?

I didn't linger to his thoughts and went back to thinking about miles. He said he would be here today and I can't wait for him to meet all my friends.

Last night was special. And better and he was willing to show me his scar. He showed me his scar. Did I even take a good look at it or was I busy having the best orgasm of my life?

A Wishful Christmas [ManxMan]  🦂 UNEDITTEDWhere stories live. Discover now