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Her trembling hands go straight to the cooker, upset-minded.

My blood freezes in my veins. I want to scream.

To warn her.

About the oil spilled all over the kitchen. But my voice doesn't work.

It will explode. It will explode.

Those words repeat in my mind like a chant. Getting louder and louder as her hand gets closer and closer to the switch. I cringe, standing up on my feet and running to her.

I hear the

Loudest blast.

It sounded like a bomb.

My head whiplashes and slams into something hard behind me and pain explodes through my body.

The world goes dark.

I wake up, gasping for air. I open my eyes, but I see nothing.

She is not here.

There is no boom.

There is no boom.

I am cold but sweating. My lips are trembling together with my chin. My ears ring, sounds are muffled and distant. Like a swarm of mosquitos in my brain. I see the room, the vintage white color.

I am in my bed.

At Christopher's house.

I'm home.

It's okay

I'm home.

It's just a dream again, just my conscious playing games with me. I lift my hand to feel my face. I stop midway and let it go.

Looking outside the window, capturing the morning view of the city. It is beautiful and glittering with holiday spirit. People passing by, some busy with their own business and some slowing down with smiles on their faces.

I want that.

To smile again.

A real smile and not feel self-conscious over how I look. But how can I do that? I am used to being handsome, rich, and successful. I am used to that life, but now I have to cope with this one.

Not for long. Just a week Miles.

Yeah, just another week of fake hopes and smiles. Can someone see how much I am hurting inside? How much all this is killing me slowly? For some, this would be a normal thing, but for me, this is death. I can't live forever with this scar on my face, no. I can't.

My brain took me back to the guy. Why Was he worried about me? Was it a guilty conscious of what his girlfriend had done? Yeah, that would make a lot of sense. For before that, nothing else makes sense.

Except for my heart craving him. I mean his voice. I have to admit it, it felt nice for someone else to worry about me. Apart from my brother. And that someone else to be that guy.

A Wishful Christmas [ManxMan]  🦂 UNEDITTEDWhere stories live. Discover now