Alec ~04~

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This man in front of me right now is everything but ugly. I mean seriously have you seen those muscles? And the way he lays back like he doesn't have any worries at all.

For the past two days, I never expected I would meet a guy like this. The way Rachel was talking about him was like some kind of insect not to be touched.

He is wearing a perfectly tailored suit with a double buttoned coat that fits him perfectly. And from the angle right here, he is taller than me just a little bit.

A designer watch is hanging perfectly on his wrist as he sips that wine. Even though he is under that mask? I can still feel how those lips are perfectly designed just for his mouth.

Shit. Lower your horny thoughts Alec.

He hasn't spoken a word to now and somehow that scares the hell out of me. But he doesn't bring out the scary aura of a serial killer or thief.

I came prepared any way, the 911 call is just a button away if things don't go my way. One can never be too careful in this world especially not in LA.

I wanted to come and apologize for everything my girlfriend did at the airport, even the fact that she isn't here with me. Oh god, I hope he doesn't ask about her.

"Am not going to apologize, I did nothing wrong and the guy is disgusting. He looks like he came out of a dumpster. That Reynold bullshit was just said out of the wimp and I am pretty sure he doesn't even know them"

This is what Rachel said when I asked her to come with me. I remember clenching my fist and trying to breathe. Times like these make me wonder why I am even dating her in this place.

"Alec," I said and he stopped midway. He was pouring me a glass of my drink when I tried to say something again.

He stayed like that for a second and did not answer a thing. He poured me a glass and leaned back to his chair. He looked aside at the city and I am pretty sure under that mask he would be smiling because his face went up a little.

Or I might be imagining things. I mean the man hadn't said a word to this point. Am not even sure Miles was his real name.

I remember my heart exploding when I called that Christopher guy. But I was glad he was kind enough to hear me out and speak to me.

And now here we are, with this stranger in front of me, trying to apologize for someone who doesn't even care that she did something wrong in the first place.

"Miles," he said. " but you already know that Mr. Alec"

I stopped breathing for a whole minute. If that's possible, and when I came back to my senses. I almost choked out of my lungs.

He took me off guard with this and as matter of fact, I knew he could speak but I didn't know he could sound like that. Not bad or monsterly no. It's far from that.

His voice sounds collected and strong. Deep or maybe it's just that we are so close and this place is so quiet. But he has a deep voice that isn't bad to listen to, but sexy that I need to hear him speak another word.

Make him speak again. Come one do it

I felt my heart was about to come out of my chest as I tried to breathe again. Shit. I couldn't get air enough as I started choking again.

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