Dear Readers

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                     December  23rd, 2020

Dear Readers.

Hello, and welcome to " wishful Christmas".

This book has not been edited. I apologise for that. I woll get to editting it as soon as possible.

When i read a book, i always like to picture the settings i know. Change characters to people i know. Like the hot guy next door i cant keep my eyes off 😀🤣.

So even though I kept my own images of characters, you can imagine who ever you like.

Hope you will have fun reading it.

This is a story about change and hope. About making sense of everything that is going on. About the fear of losing something in the blink of an eye. About the heartache. The kind of heartache you can feel in your bones.

This story is about fear and love, and how they seem to go hand in hand most of the time. Most of all it is about time, treasuring it while we still have it. 

Thank you for giving this story a read. And no, it is not a sad one I promise. Quite the opposite.

🌲E. Corley

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A Wishful Christmas [ManxMan]  🦂 UNEDITTEDWhere stories live. Discover now