~I'll handle it~

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After the beautiful new year celebration with some of his most favourite people in the whole world in person and virtually, celebrating themselves and their bond and promising to be so, for the rest of their lives. Virat opened his eyes next day to a beautiful Mumbai morning. It was a beautiful day though Virat's guts were screaming it wasn't going to remain so, Virat decided to ignore his guts and get along with his day.

After all, it was new year and Virat was very-very excited for any of these coming days, he'll get to hold his little baby in his arms. Oh!!! how much he was looking forward to that day. Humming, playing with little Agastya and indulging an overly childish Hardik, who had decided to shift in Virat's house, because he didn't want to miss the birth of his nephew/niece birth, on his every demand. Virat's day was going as usual.

Nush and Natasha were talking among themselves and indulging into quality girls times. So, Virat and Hardik were left to their devices, which involved, playing with little Agu, cooking together (Virat cooked Hardik criticized), cleaning (Again Virat cleaned, Hardik made more mess) and video-calling Bhuvi to trouble him on the pro-max level.

Everything was going fine until Virat got the news of Dada getting hospitalized. Hell Worried. Virat instantly queried about dada from his family. Harry and he consoled them and reassured them that they were there and they can contact them at any time.

Most of the day, Virat and Hardik spent worrying for Dada. Waiting for new from both Boria sir and even going as far as holding a convo with the Doctor about Dada. Simultaneously, Virat was also on call with Mahi bhai, presently, more Dada's worried Mahiya then his Mahi bhai. He kept on consoling and keeping his Mahi bhai updated on everything from docs words to Dada's surgery, everything.

In all this, Virat actually missed the drama brewing in Australia until it was late in the night. Nush was asleep. Harry was also snoring in the living room on the sofa and Virat felt like he should wake the kid and make him sleep properly in the guest room.

Smiling at how innocent Harry looked while sleeping, absolutely like a kid, the way he was snuggling to the sofa cushion. Virat smiled at how stress-free, calm, and at peace, Harry looked while sleeping. He didn't want to wake Harry up but then again he was worried Harry might fall down from the sofa if left like this.

Virat softly tried to wake up Harry. After a few attempts, Harry's eyes squinted open.

"Ugh...Dada?" He asked worry clear in his sleepy orbs as he looked at his brother.

"He is fine. Go sleep in your room (Harry had claimed a room his personal property which is kinda disputed because of Rahul and Shreyas)"  Virat ordered.

Harry just sighed as he stood up, threw his arms around Virat and gestured him to carry half of his weight to the room as he almost closed his eyes again, leaning on Virat. Almost sleeping while standing.

Shaking his head, at this absolute childish kid who was apparently also a father. Virat dragged both of them towards the room when his phone pinged.

Thinking about Dada's update. Virat checked his phone, halting on his steps. But it wasn't an update on Dada. It was a message from Bhuvi asking about Aus mess.

Okay! What mess was created there?

Virat thought confused as he checked on news and got the shock of his life. He couldn't help but scream "WTF", on top of his voice. Totally shocking and startling awake Hardik, who, looked at Virat with wide eyes.

"What happened Bhaiya??" Hardik asked super worried and in normal Hardik tone.

But Virat was frozen on his spot and worried, Hardik peeked in to see what got his brother in this stance. Reading the article about the alleged bio-bubble breach and Ro-Subh-Prithvi-Rishu-Nav being involved in it.

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