~Virat bhai~

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Dev was worried.

He hadn't seen his Virat Bhaiya for two hours. Yes, he has been counting and he had even controlled himself for so long. He doesn't think he can anymore.

Virat bhaiyaa looked so sad.

And Dev will admit to himself and anyone who asks him that he hates sad Virat Kohli. He doesn't like seeing his goofy, always happy and encouraging mentor sad, it's the worst thing for him.

And right now, he was worried, very worried.

Yuzi bhaiya and he were quite active on social media. Well, he didn't react as much as Yuzi bhaiya but he still loved surfing around for fun. Nowadays, it wasn't much fun, most days the social media was getting on his nerves.

Dev was contemplating disabling his comment section. He didn't need to hear their suggested playing eleven or stuff. He didnt has any say in playing eleven anyway plus he hated the toxicity and negativity there.

Well, a few years back,  Dev was one of them too, young and passionate for cricket, wanting to contribute for the team and make the team win. The on-field decisions seemed wrong, most of the things seemed like they could have been rectified or avoided.

It was "ohhh" they shouldn't have done that moment for him too. But getting in the team, watching the pitch change and good sounding strategies and plans fail, changed something in him.

It made him realize that out there, all he could do was try his best, give his hundred percent for it's all he could do. Nothing else was in his control.

He was trying and so was the opposition team and contrary, to popular belief no one in there was dense. All of them were playing to win, all of them were trying to make their team wins and all of them had their own plans and all, all of them could really do was give their best.

They couldn't control even their own teammate's performance, someone clinical during a practice session can fail in the match. Someone can have a bad day, stuff can go wrong and then there's luck too.

Sometimes, it's just not your day.

And Dev had learned it all and more than that, he had learned new words from his Virat bhaiya, words he generally won't connect with cricket but his Virat bhaiya had made it connect and he believes in his Virat bhaiya.

His fav word right now, "Care,"  and his fav mantra "In failures, it's 'I', in victories it's 'we',"

"After loses, think what I could have done better, what I could do to change the outcome and work on those areas, after wins, it's everyone did their best and contributed for the win. Everything worked, got it kiddo," Virat bhaiya's merry tone saving itself permanently in his brain. He was trying, trying to evolve, trying to be the best of himself.

Trying to learn from everyone and be his own best version but right now, he was worried for his bhaiya. He was hardest on himself and still beating himself about his wicket.

And Dev really-really wanted to go and check on his bhaiya. Be with him, make him a little relaxed, do anything to uplift his mood was fine with him. He had given his bhaiya two hours of 'me-time' now, it was 'we-time'.

But again, it was late in the night. What if he wakes Nush bhabi? What if Bhai is already sleeping? Dev didn't know! All he knew, he was worried and quite literally pacing in his balcony.

Should he wake Yuzi bhai??

No, Yuzi bhai becomes really grumpy after waking up.

What should he do then? Well, he'll just tell Virat bhaiya he had a nightmare. Dev is sure Virat bhaiya will not throw him away hearing he had a nightmare. Yeah, that's a good idea. He'll tell Virat bhaiya he had a nightmare and the room feels spooky.

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