Your eyes look like they rained (Hulrat)

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Rahul was lost in his thoughts as he walked towards the hotel lobby the next morning. They were going to leave for their practice session in few minutes and Rahul couldn't sleep properly, the night before. It was very hard on his soul. Last night, had ignited a series of unwanted memories in his mind. The dreams haunted him, his mind was restless, he couldn't sleep fine. It was hurting.

Last night was hurting, it hurt really bad, tugging on the strings of the world-cup memories, there was hope and the hope crashed again.They believed they could do it, when it was them on the crease. The world had faith, they believed, if anyone could make a miracle happen, it was them.  Well, not them actually, the world had faith on Virat, the chase master. They thought he could do it, they believed just on him and Virat's dismissal diminished that faith. Rahul tried to do what they expected from Virat. He tried to do what Virat had done many times but he failed.

He couldn't make it possible. The pressure of scoreboard too much on his and Harry's inexperienced shoulder, they tried, they failed and it all hurt.

But nothing hurt more than the look in his brother's eyes. The broken and haunted look possessing his brother. God, What he would not have done to erase that look! He would have opened after keeping for even a hundred overs if that could erase that look from his big brother's eyes. He could do anything to do attain that and he was actually surprised when he heard voices coming from the lobby. He was walking late. The team should have been in bus by now.

Though, it didn't really surprise him that he hoped one of them will be Virat. He really needed to check on his brother. When they finally came in view, he notices that his guess was right everyone has already got themselves on the team bus, besides Shreyas Iyer and Rishab Pant - and there is Virat! Rahul feels strangely grateful. He can check on Virat in relative peace right now. Virat can't runaway from him now or make any excuse of checking on someone else. The guy needs to be checked first.

And Virat's back towards him is making the situation more  ideal for Rahul. Well, Rahul can't see his face either to gauze his mood. But he has two more brothers for help, Shrey and Rishu, who are pretending to be casually chatting with each other but there eyes were stuck on Virat like hawks while Virat was searching for something in his bag or is this some new pretending to be busy technique?

Rahul doesn't need to do more to get their attention. He just looks at them, his eyes querying about Virat's condition, both of them looks down nodding their head in negative. Their brother (yes, brother for the world he might be just their Captain but for them he was more) wasn't in a good mental space and it was hurting all of them. Did he really think with him in a bad space they will be in a positive atmosphere? He was a fool if he thought so! And his brother wasn't a fool as far as Rahul knows.

"Umm...What's up guys? What are you searching Veerat?" Rahul questions, almost breathing down Virat's neck, successfully sneaking up on him but the fresh red bruise peeking through Virat's jacket glaring at him. Rahul couldn't help but gasp a little noticing it. Virat pulling his to jacket to hide it almost made Rahul want to pull that jacket down and inform his brother, that he isn't blind, he really noticed it.

And what did he do to practically injure himself there? How can someone injure themselves there? It seemed impossible. It was beyond Rahul's understanding...Just what did he do? Is he okay? Okay, that was a very stupid question, of course, he isn't okay with the whole world after him like blood hounds. How can he be okay?

And why isn't Virat answering to him? Why didn't he turn around yet? Rahul looked towards Shrey and Rishab for help. His eyes questioning them on whether they got a glimpse at Virat or not? Did Virat talk to them? They nodded in negative as Rishab decided to try and gain Virat's attention.

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