.Cheeku Bhaiya.

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Manish Pandey was a quite well known name in the cricketing world. He was captain of Indian A team and is known as one of the best fielders in Indian teams. Manish has one too many feathers in his cap and has an equally charming personality to match.

Though a very few knew about his charms and the mischief flowing through his blood. To the outside world he was kinda innocent sophisticated being but they didn't know it was kinda requirement when someone is best buddies with sir Jadeja and Virat kohli from U-19 days.

Do you guys have any idea how many times he was saved from punishment because of his looks?

Well, plus,Jaddu and Vi unable to keep a straight face to save their lives was also one of the reason. But still, they were the good old mad days with insanity flowing through them. Well, dont get him wrong they're still insane but they had gotten better at hidding their emotions.

So, Manish shouldn't have been surprised to find Virat calling him at 3 am. He absolutely shouldn't have but he was. Sleepy and cursing his best friend for the his lack of understanding the word acceptable time. Manish picked up the call.

"So rha tha?" Virat's obnoxiously chirpy voice greeted him and Manish wanted to bang his head somewhere.

"Nhi bhangra kr rha tha," Manish deadpanned.

"Mere bina" Virat whined and Manish really let his face drop on his pillow exasperated. Was this being serious? Why did he have such kinda besties anyway? Can't he have some normal friends? Please.

"Viraaaaat" Manish said dragging the a's in Virat till infinity quite frustrated. He really wasn't upto bantering at 3 am.

"Manishaaaaaa" Virat reflected his tone and Manish groaned though he didn't ask Virat what he wanted at all? He could quite imagine if they were face to face right now. They would have been looking at each other very seriously with both of their hands resting on their waist in a domineering manner and then both of them would have broken down in fits of giggles.

They weren't face to face and Manish wanted to sleep. He really wanted to sleep. So, he called Virat's name again. He received static from Virat's side and was that sniffling sounds.

Suddenly very worried and very concerned Manish was wide awake.

"Virat" Manish repeated Virat's name again but concernedly this time.

"Hmmm," Virat hummed and Manish could feel the pain in his voice this time.

"What happened?" Manish asked Virat softly, certain Virat wouldn't have called him if he didn't wanted to talk.

"Idk, its hurting" Virat's soft feeble voice washed over Manish firing his worry more.

"What's hurting, Vi?" Manish questioned worried sitting straight on his bed. He knew he won't be able to sit still if something's wrong with his brother. Where were his shoes anyway? And why is he thinking about shoes it isn't like he could run to Virat's hotel or whatsoever.

"IDK, I feel odd. It feels so stuffy. My heart feels so heavy. How can heart feel heavy, Maniiii?" Virat sounded so broken yet so innocent at that moment it tugged at Manish's heart and it was taking his full efforts to not run to Virat.  He was feeling very worried.

"What's wrong Vi?" Manish asked softly knowing Vi called him to talk about it all and even though he was feeling very scared and ready to dial Jaddu's number on speed dial. He wanted to let Virat talk first.

"IDK. I shouldn't have scolded them but I was so worried and now, it hurts. I lost control and it got ugly. Even Ro said I'm being too controlling. Idk, Mani, I didn't want to hurt them. I was so worried and I'm feeling so stuffy," Vi mumbled sounding all dejected and gloomy.

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