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Virat was playing with the hotel menu for what it seemed like an eternity. Jaddu was glaring holes in Virat and Rohit was about to drink his hundredth glass of water for the evening. 

Shikh was happily filming the gloomy Vi playing with menu card, Ro drinking water grumbling and Jadu glaring at Vi. Manish shared a look with Shami that plainly read "They'll never change"

"Yrr, I'm hungry it has been more than 20 mins since Rahul went to call them down and they hadn't come yet. Let's order the food, Vi. I'm tired of only drinking water" Ro finally declared half whining, half frustrated as he put down the glass on the table with a bang.

Drawing the attention of everyone else and silencing the rest of unfortunate members of ICT sitting with the right now.

Manish and Shami again shared a look.

Jaddu started banging his plate declaring "I'm hungry" totally in support of Rohit.

Shikh gleefully filmed them and Virat ignored the chaos around him.

"Umm, I'll go and call them" Manish volunteered eagerly ready to run away from there. He didn't want to end up with water or something else thrown on him.

He knows both Jaddu, Virat and Rohit well enough to know how this situation can possibly end. And under no circumstances, he wants to end up with ketchup in hair, drenching wet from unidentified liquids and food.

"No, Rahul went and got lost. You sit here if you also get lost. I won't get food tonight. And this dummy of a best friend, won't lemme eat until everyone is here." Ro complained pouting and dismissing Manish's escape route.

Manish pouted, Shami giggled. 

"Stop staring at the menu card so seriously. We know you'll order those gross stuff only." Jaddu snatched away the menu card from Virat and throw it without looking that it hit Manish square on the face.

Manish pondered whether ducking under the table is a sane plan now or not?

Card first, god knows what else will hit him now?

But thankfully, the loud whining of none other than Harry broke the impending fight atmosphere.

Apparently, he lost in PUBG and the boasting Yuzi wasn't helping either.

"You guys were playing PUBG?" Rohit couldn't help but ask them incredulously

All of them nodded, not having any other option but to go with Harry's idea.

"I'm feeling like shooting you all by Mk14 right now," Jadu declared glaring at them

"I'm dying of hunger here and you were playing PUBG, Jad let's drop them in Pochiniki" Ro added glaring daggers at the kids. They were playing PUBG and here he was dying to eat. 

"BUT Rohitaaa, I had to win na" Yuzi claimed dragging Ro's name as he looked at the other's to do something.

Rahul stomped upto Virat and sat on Virat's lap startling everyone. He sulked on Virat's lap like a little kid.

And Manish wondered whether he hit his head hard or not?

"Virat, they didn't take me in their team," Rahul complained akin a little kid

"You weren't sent their to play in the first place," Grumbled Ro from his place as he tried to push Harry away from his lap.

Watching Rahul sit in Virat's lap comfortably and Virat not pushing him away. Harry had to sit on someone's lap too and who better than his cap Ro.

"But they weren't listening to me na Ro," Rahul whined and Rohit looked towards Bhuvi and Jassi not understanding how they let it happen?

"I lost Virat bhaiya,"  Kulya joined speaking extremely gloomily as he directed everyone's gaze away from uncomfortable Jassi and Bhuvi.

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