My Rahuliya(Hulrat)

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Brooding! Yes, KL Rahul was in his room brooding instead of celebrating and going out like the rest of the team.  He wasn't feeling like going out and he wasn't feeling very accepting to any  company too. Locking himself in his room with some sad songs playing in the background, if anyone asked Rahul would have said it was the secret behind his composure keeping up the pretense of collectiveness.

Rahul was actually tired of pretending. He was tired being this person. It was hard being this person. It was hard keeping up the face. It was hard to not shout or yell. It was hard not letting everything go and break. It was hard trying to be this composed person. It was hard acting like nothing bothered him when it did. He was bothered by many things, he hated containing everything.

Once upon a time, he was a man with his heart on his sleeves. Now, he is shell of the boy he once was and he didn't know whether it was the right way to go or not? He wasn't some saint who wasn't bothered by Maxwell's performance, yes, he wished he got runs but not like this, not against them. Each six by that guy, hurt him, bothered him and made him just so frustrated. He wanted to let go, he wanted to let it out yet he couldn't? How could Mr Composed break his calm facade?

He didn't know.

He had been pretending for so long, this shell has become his shield and he didn't know how to break it?

Should he even?

It doesn't make any sense to him. He knew the reason behind his wicket today. Maxwell's bowling wasn't that great. Heck, it wasn't even a wicket taking ball to be truthful. Maxwell didn't take his wicket, he gifted his wicket. Well, his contained anger become his downfall, to be truthful. The poisonous fire that was running through his veins watching Maxi bowl. All reasonable thoughts had vanished. All logic had vaporized. He just wanted to hit that guy out of the park.

He...he really didn't know what he really wanted to do there? Maybe hitting him for back to back sixes was the plan but it didn't quite go like the plan. It seemed the Aussies knew, he would try to hit Maxi and well, that was quite a shrewd move.

And here, he was in his room brooding again. Brooding over everything that went wrong in today's match and wasn't it such a nice way to spend the last day of his vice-captaincy! His thoughts were totally acidic in the moment, full of anger, guilt and contained emotions, tearing him from inside. God, he wanted to scream and shout and let it all go will he?

Do anyone really remember the real him anymore? The thought hadn't even crossed his mind when the overly chirpy sing song voice of his captain rang around him. Well, Why wasn't the guy out really?

"Rahuliyaaaa...Omere Rahuliyaaaa,"


The Captain asked merrily plopping beside Rahul seemingly totally unaware of the gloomy air in the room while Rahul was certain he had locked the room. How the hell this guy made his way inside his room then? Rahul didn't know. It was beyond him. He really wasn't in a talking mood. Well, if he did he was certain it will either acid or sobs out of his mouth both didn't seem like a good option to him.

"Rahuliyaaa....I'm talking to you re and what's with the playlist choice?" Virat asked far more seriously and patiently then Rahul had ever heard him speak. It wasn't Virat's usual approach of unbolting the bolted emotions. Virat usually talked silly and forced the people to snap their frustrations out but tonight didn't feel like it was going that way.


"What happened kiddo?"

"What's bothering you? What switched on your brooding mode this time?" Virat continued asking softly even though he wasn't receiving any answer from his kid. His kid even refused to look at him but Virat was never the one to give up on his kids.

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