Babby, Daddy

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It has been few minutes, since he is staring in the large black orbs that continued looking back at him with fascination. Hardik knew he was quite handsome and good looking, girls told him that many times. He has been complimented and flirted with many times. But no one and he means it when he says, no one eyed him with the fascination this little doe eyed being is watching him with.

Hardik continued eyeing her and she continued eyeing him back with the same fascination. After what felt like an eternity the little devil seemed to get bored with his eyes as something else caught her attention. That something being his gold chain on which the little devil nibbled happily and drooled on his chest.

"Okay, that's so eeeeeewww" Hardik decided picking up the devil by the scurf of it's Onesie and holding it as far as possible from him. He liked people drooling on him but not literally, thank you very much. 

"You don't drool on people, Little Missy," Harry admonished the kid severely, glaring at her direction.

The kid just made grabby motion at his direction totally not getting affected by his words.

"You're not understanding me, kiddo, you don't drool on people," Hardik tried again, the kid needs to understand you don't drool on people. It's bad manners. People can be offended. He is a great guy but others aren't as great as him.

"Bah..baaaah...baah," That was the kid's intelligent reply as she again made grabby motions towards Harry's face. Totally, informing him he wasn't in any place to make any deal with her.

"okay, you got me kid but still you don't nibble on a gold chain. It's not edible,"

"And that's not any way you talk or hold a child, Harry," Bhuvi scolded Harry taking the kid away from Harry and holding it properly in his arms.

"Baabaabaaaaaahaa.....baba...aaaaaaaaaaaaa" The kid squealed happily in Bhuvi's arms and Bhuvi nodded along with the kid as if understanding the kid perfectly. Harry didn't know how can Bhuvi hold a conversation with a toddler? How can he understand this gibberish?

"Yes, yes, absolutely right kid, baba is an idiot. You don't be like dada, alright," Bhuvi conversed with the child happily, rocking her in his arms. And Harry wanted to roll his eyes. Who told them that he is the kid's father? Aren't they assuming just a little, too much.

"You know Bhuvi dear, it's not proven who is the kid's father yet it could be you too. So, are you calling yourself idiot," And now Harry was sounding utterly gleeful with this wonderful thought. Bhuvi calling himself an idiot. What a golden day.

"Who find the kid on the door? So, isn't it obvious whose kid it is?" Bhuvi didn't even know why is he answering to this idiot?

"Well, the letter clearly said that his dad is here. It didn't mention who the dad is? So, how's the kid mine?" Harry was more than hundred percent sure the kid wasn't his. He will know if he has a kid somewhere, won't he? So, why was he unceremoniously being the kid's father. And isn't it Jassi and Bhuvi who didn't want the kid to be given to the childcare authorities? 

"Harry," Bhuvi's further argument was cut short by the kid's sudden bawaah. The kid hated if the attention wasn't on her.

"Look, even she wants the attention on her like you, isn't that proves she is your kid?????" Bhuvi's expressions seemed to scream at Harry and all, Harry could think was who is mother henning the child? How am I the father? And how come a thing so small can scream so loudly??

Where's all that energy coming from? The child lungs must be even smaller than his hand, heck the child herself is smaller than his hand then how come she scream so loudly???

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