.The gloomy B'day.

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"What to do when your chosen family doesn't give importance to your b'day??" 

Hardik Pandya was feeling extremely gloomy right now. Leave gloomy. He was ready to give up all pretence and start crying like a little kid. He wants to bawl his eyes out, right now. He doesn't care if he looks stupid or childish.

He doesn't even care if the people finally realize that the ever smiling Hardik Pandya also can be hurt. He is always smiling and happy doesn't mean he isn't hurt. 

Haven't you heard the persons who smiles the most also silently cries the most. Is it his fault he doesn't want people to see his gloom, his pain, his sadness??

He smiles because the hardship he has faced from childhood, made him strong. The fight to reach where he is now, wasn't easy. He has seen too many hardship.

So, now he smiles and laughs at the face of problems because crying doesn't solve anything.

Neither does laughing.

But between the two he will always choose laughing his problems away.

But right now, he wants to cry.

For he is legitly feeling very hurt.

Why? Well, because it's kind of his f**king B'day today and his team kind of didn't do anything for him today.

Hardik feels like an idiot for believing they had forgiven him. They hadn't. For why else no one seemed more excited than him today? Why were they acting like it's just another day?

IT's not like they forgot his B'day. They remembered and even wished him in a very bland way.

Even Jassi and Rahul were like "Hey, Happy B'day Har-bear." 

That's it. Just Happy B'day when they're staying in the same hotel. 

Harry wants to wail. His hope for a surprise party has also just about ended cause it's already past 11 in night.

It's 11: 15 in night on 19 october 2019, means his b'day.

Everyone's B'day is celebrated in morning. He remembers his first B'day with the team. It was a very-very special moment for him. It showed how everyone has accepted him and he is their brother.

But now???

His this B'day is the worst b'day in the history of B'days and he isn't being even a little bit of dramatic here.

This B'day just showed how he lost his brothers. He so wants to cry now. He wants to cry wailing on the top of his voice and maybe he'll cling to Mahi bhai and cry. But Mahi Bhai isnt here and it's so late in night to call bhai.

What if he disturbed Ziva's sleep? He can't ever forgive himself if he did so.

HE wants to cry and cry and he have even decided a song for his state.

"IT's my b'day and I'm feeling like little Harry potter. It's my B'day and everyone wished.
But It's still not the same and I wanna cry. It's my bday and I feel, I'm a 11 year old harry potter.
Drawing cake on floor singing happy b'day and I wanna cry, I wanna cry and cry. Cry a river and drown Viraat in it" 

Harry was humming this song to himself.

When their was a sudden barbaric knocking on his door. It felt like someone was trying to break his door down.

Feeling all too Sulky, Harry got up from the bed and opened the door.

Rahul almost knocked on his face.

"Why did you took so much time opening the door," Rahul demanded

"Maybe because I was sleeping," Harry retorted still feeling very sulky

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