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Yoongi was a deep sleeper since he was little, the habit grew up until now. Not even a powerful storm or lightning thunder could disturb his sleep. But a certain someone named Park Jimin can.

Yoongi tries to shrug the mewls off thinking he was just hearing it in his dreams. But when the sound continues for a longer time he finally takes the courtesy to wake up and look at it.

The sound led him to Jimin's room. He knocks at the door with his drowsy eyes, he rests his tired body on the door frame. Closing his eyes to get a shut eye for even a few seconds.

" Hyung ?"
He stumbles back a few steps when Jimin suddenly opens the door.
If Yoongi was feeling tired and sleepy, Jimin looked worse than him - he looked like someone who haven't gotten any sleep for few days straight.

" You okay ?"
The whimpers sounded too real to be a hallucination. And since they're the only one living here it has to be Jimin.
" Yeah, just experiencing some mild contraction."
His hand is placed on the lower half of his bump.

" You want me to make you some tea ?" Whenever the omega is in pain Yoongi feels himself hurting too. If it was in his hands he'd take all his pains away, he just wanted to see his Jimin happy.

Jimin declines the offer politely, closing his eyes once he feels another cramp hit him. It's just a matter of another month till his baby will be in his arms. He'll just have to go through this pain for one more month and he'll gladly do so if the end result would be that beautiful.

" Jimin ah, do you want to go to the hospital ?" Yoongi places his arms around Jimin, giving him his body support.
" It's okay hyung. I've heard that it's natural." He tries to reassure him but his expression tells another story.

" It's not that bad, I'll manage. Sorry to wake you up."
He tries to get out of Yoongi's hold, pacing back to the bed. He doesn't know if he could've managed to stay standing like that. It gives him back aches whenever he stands for too long.

" It's okay. If you need anything just tell me." Yoongi helps him get in the bed, his body sighing in content once his back meets the soft mattress. Yoongi drapes the blanket over him , rubbing the bump gently in between.

" Hyung.."
It just takes one weak cry from Jimin to make Yoongi run back to his side.
" Can you sleep with me tonight ?"
Jimin's voice has uncertainty in it as if he wasn't himself sure if he should say this or not.

" Of course."
Sleeping in the same bed is not a big thing for them now but every time he feels Jimin close to his body he just wants to wrap his tiny figure in his arms. He wants to pepper his face with sloppy kisses. He wants to cover him in his oceanic scent.

It's been so hard for Yoongi to control his desires, now that Jimin was finally in his 8th month his senses to protect Jimin were heightened.

He slowly gets into the covers, trying to stay at a safe distance from the younger. But that's of no use because soon Jimin is stuck by him like a koala. It's normal for omegas to crave for alpha's touch in such a situation. And Yoongi is here to provide Jimin with all that.

It takes Jimin no time to fall asleep in Yoongi's arms. Yoongi's touch is like magic. Just a few minutes ago he couldn't even close his eyes and now he's falling asleep. His hand tightens its grip around Yoongi's sweatshirt as if wanting to tell him not to leave.

Yoongi notices the small gesture, it's actually a very minimal one but it still manages to make Yoongi's heart flutter. Slowly and gently he covers Jimin's hand with his own. With Jimin being his last view he closes his eyes slowly.


But after some time, he finds himself waking up to another contraction that is more painful than before. His first instinct is to shrug it off as one of the braxton hicks. But when another contraction hits him and a metallic scent fills up the room. He knew something was wrong.

He pulls off the covers only to see the bedsheet stained in crimson red. Horrified by the sight he let out an inhuman scream. Yoongi finds himself bolt from the blue at Jimin's terrified scream. He looks at Jimin with a worried expression , his eyes following as to where Jimin is looking at until it lays on the pool of blood.

Jimin sits there lifeless, feeling like he already lost the battle, he couldn't feel his baby's movement. He couldn't feel those fluttering kicks that made him smile. His mind is already imagining the worst and he is not ready to let his worst fear come true.

Yoongi tries to shake him out of the trauma but nothing seems to work. He's just sitting there fainéant , his face shows no expression except for his eyes that let out silent tears.

Yoongi scoops him in his arms , carrying him outside of the house. Carefully he lays him down on the passenger seat , Jimin didn't even react to that as if his senses were taken away from him.

He didn't even feel the contractions now, not even his tears that were streaming non-stop. He wanted to scream , wanted to cry out loud but it was as if his voice was not coming out.

He tried to place his hand on his bump but even his body wasn't able to do so. Leaving him in a vegetative state.

Once they arrive at the hospital , Yoongi carries him inside. Screaming and shouting for a doctor. Soon he feels himself being pulled away. He tightens his grip around his neck not wanting to leave Yoongi.

He's separated from Yoongi reluctantly. Trying to reach out for him but feels himself drifting away from consciousness.

What would it feel like if the world stopped moving ? Jimin was feeling exactly like that. He's been conscious for more time but didn't dare to open his eyes. The machines are beeping loudly in his surroundings.

He has a vague idea of what's going around him but he's not ready to admit it yet.
" I know you're awake."
Yoongi's voice feels foreign to him. It's not like it's usual self. It's not filled with honey and love but instead it feels full of hatred and bitterness.

He opens his eyes hesitantly only to meet Yoongi's harsh gaze. He has never seen Yoongi look that way , his eyes were dead and still. And if he stared at them for too long he could see the hateful disdain that was directed towards him.

His eyes water at Yoongi's expression. When someone looks at you like that , eyes holding nothing but anger and hatred , it hurts ; but when that someone holds your heart in their hand, it kills.

Yoongi takes Jimin's hand in his, placing it on Jimin's flat stomach. Making him face the reality that he didn't want to. He shook his head, he didn't want to face reality. He's not ready to accept that his baby is no longer with him.

" It's your fault."
That was the last straw to break him completely. Yoongi yanks his hand away , walking towards the door. Just before he's about to step out he looks back. He turned around to look at Jimin's face for once last time, there was no trace of tears in them. His lethal stare felt painful and piercing, tearing Jimin's heart apart with a blinding teal light.

I've passed by many eyes , but I get lost in yours ↻ yoonmin  Where stories live. Discover now