Chapter 3: The Full Moon

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I was at the memorial where Tem was killed, holding a bouquet of lilies in his honor. The petals were as white as his wool, which was the reason why I chose that over the other bouquets. What really held its specialty was the Lily of the Valley placed delicately in the center of the flowers.

"I'm sorry that I wasn't there to save you Tem, but I will bring you justice." I mumbled to myself as I clenched my fists.

I was running my thoughts through the many suspects that it could be, until I was met with a familiar wolf.

He came to place flowers for Tem as well, yet he looked so sad after kneeling down to pay his respects. His eyes were so sad, yet they looked as if it had something to do with Tem.

"Hey, how are you holding up?" I broke the silence.

Legoshi looked up and noticed me, as if he didn't know that I was here all this time.

"O-oh, sorry, I'm just not, feeling much of myself today, you know." He looked down at Tem's portrait with sadness. So he was his friend too.

"Tem was a star, he shined his brightest when he was with us, but with every star, they die out eventually. Although he is no longer here with us, we can at least keep a memory of him with us every where we go." I patted his back, trying to ease up the mood.

I then felt a hand on my back, which came with the sound of squealing girls and boys. I think I know who this is.

"Glad to see you here Unmei." Louis was patting my back as he knelt down

I noticed that he was wearing his 'mask' when there's a crowd. I know when Louis is feeling something, either it was a hunch or clear as day, he wasn't feeling all that cheery. There was still that sorrow in his figure.

He paid his respects to Tem, then looked over to Legoshi, who had this shocked impression on his face.

"What's wrong Legoshi?" I asked him.

Louis then interrupted before Legoshi spoke.

"You're staring, is rudeness something common in wolves?" Louis questioned the wolf.

Legoshi didn't know what to do other than apologize, but I didn't see a reason to.

Louis' gears were then in work, recognizing the wolf. "You're that wolf from the art department, come, I have a task for you to do. You can follow along Unmei, this also applies to you."

I looked over to Louis, wondering what is that you're planning Louis.

As we head our way to the drama club, I notice a goat next to Louis' office.

Still fitting the pieces together, I spoke to Louis. "Hey Louis, is he-?"

"Yes, he is Tem's replacement." Louis practically knew the words coming out of my mouth.

At least let me finish my question. We head inside of the office to discuss outfit measurements, lines, etc. All was going smoothly until Kai barged into the room, notably angry about something.

"Louis! Why is he playing Tem's part!? I was runner-up at the auditions!" he was yelling.

I honestly couldn't care less about the whole commotion. Kai was known to be pretty hot headed, so it was normal to me.

I then noticed some low monotone growling coming from him, like he was about to attack. I tried to return my conscience back to the topic at hand, but it was no use.

I didn't know what was going on at that point. I suddenly saw Kai clenching his fist, which I immediately noticed, but he already came in for the punch. Before I could stop him, it was Legoshi who prevented the mongoose' blow.

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