Chapter 15: The Mission

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Legoshi and I checked out of the hotel, feeling better than ever. I got to say, I did a pretty good job cleaning our wounds and injuries last night. If it weren't for that rubbing alcohol, our wounds probably would've been infected. I brought my hand to the head wound from last night. 

"Looks like it'll heal just fine, but it's definitely going to leave a mark." I said to myself. Legoshi heard what was going on, brought his hand to my head, leaned over, and kissed the scar.

"Does it feel better now?" Legoshi smiled.

"I don't know, maybe I might feel something if you do it again." He leans in for a second time, but I lean my head up just enough to peck his lips with mine. "You missed the spot." The wolf just couldn't help but blush from the smooth play.

By the time we got to school, we were taken into the ER and treated by a militia of mice and hamsters. Legoshi didn't have to worry that much, his wounds had already healed over night thanks to me, but I was getting the end of the stick with treatments. When the militia finished their work, they allowed visitors to come in and visit. 

"Legoshi! There you are!" A golden labrador came into the room, followed by 4 other canines. "What happened to you!? You look like you've been in a cat fight."

"You're right on the dot there my friend." I laughed at the labrador's joke, it was a good one. 

The dog looked at my direction. "Hi, I'm Jack. I'm Legoshi's friend and roommate."

My eyes suddenly lightened up when I realized who he was. "OH! YOU'RE JACK!?" Jack jumped when my voice got loud. "Sorry, I've just heard so much about you in my honor courses. Everything about you just radiates positivity." The dog's tail was wagging as he was showered with praise.

"Anyways, I'm Unmei, it's nice to meet you." Now Jack was the one who was shocked. 

"UNMEI!? AREN'T YOU AN UPCOMING BEASTAR!?" Looks like Jack and I hit it off pretty well. I can see Legoshi in the back smiling that both of the people he considered close to him got along.

Another animal came in, dropping her bags and running up to my bed.

"ELS!" I got up to hug her. "I'm so glad that you're okay, you're not hurt or anything right!?" 

"Other then my legs hurting from that run, I'm all okay thanks to you three." Els said as she was crying in my shoulder.

"Wait, what happened?" Jack asked. Legoshi and I looked at each other.

Oh boy, this is going to be on hell of a story.

"WHATTTTTT!?" Jack was absolutely flabbergasted. "So you stormed a gang's hideout, beat up almost every single lion, saved a girl, and slept in the same bed together!?" Legoshi wanted to keep the bed thing out, but I was to proud to let that down. 

"Yeah, Legoshi's snores is like music to me." Legoshi just wanted to die from the embarrassment, while Jack and I were having a good time.

Legoshi and I were checked out of the ER, allowing us to head back to our dorms. I close the door behind me, plopping myself onto my bed. 

Oh, my phone. I haven't check it in a while.

I picked up the phone, reading through all the notifications that I received. Louis had called my phone another 6 times yesterday, maybe I should give him a call to tell him that I'm okay. What he did though was not okay, but it is the least I could do right now. I called Louis' number. No answer.

"Huh, guess he's busy." I looked at the other notifications on my phone. As I was looking over all the spam notifications from Zootube and Tweeter, I had received a message from the headmaster.

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