Chapter 11: Black Out

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Louis and I have been working the whole day. Who knew that there would be so much paper work to go through. We had to go over the funds requested by various booths, contact businesses in hopes of finding a suitable sponsor, review the scripts for the lighting, staging for actors and dancers. It was honestly exhausting.

We suddenly hear three knocks coming from the door. "Hey, Unmei!" Legoshi called. 

"Well, at least I know he'll be here to help me relax." 

As Legoshi and Unmei were cuddling, Louis couldn't help but make a comment. 

"Man, its already been a week and you two are already touchy." 

"Hey, don't judge me, I've been needing this all day." 

All I wanted to do was lie down, sinking my head into Legoshi's chest, this was a prize that was well deserved in my book. Louis walked over to his desk and took out what appeared to be a neck pillow. I smirked at the idea. 

"What's so funny?" Louis scowled. 

"Nothing, I just knew I had a hunch you owned one of those." I laughed.

"Honestly Legoshi, how do you put up with this baboon?" Louis said as he threw himself onto the couch. 

"Hey, says the guy who was stubborn enough to break his foot for a play." 

I came back sticking my tongue out. I had more to say, but Legoshi just pushed my head into his chest, preventing me from talking. 

"Honestly, I like Unmei like this, and nothing will ever change that." 

I couldn't help but rub against his cheek fur after hearing something so cheesy. 

"Come on Lego, there has to be something that you like about me other than that." I whined. Before Legoshi could say anything, I noticed that it was almost time for the club meeting. "Save that thought Lego, we should set up for our club meeting." 

I look over to Louis as he was pulling out the documents needed for today. 

"That seems to be just about everything" said Louis. 

"I swear we are missing just one more person." I looked at the list Louis was reading, and the doors had flung open. 

"Sorry I'm late, my sloth friend needed to use the restroom, so I had to carry her over there while I was on my way here." said the wolf. 

She was a burgundy-colored gray wolf. From what I've heard, she would be considered a beauty for her species. 

"Legoshi," she called out his name with glee. "I saw the lights you guys set up at the festival, it was really pretty." she directed that only to Legoshi, which in turn left the art department crew disappointed. 

She was a very happy wolf, her smile could make anyone's day. "I would like to stay back and help clean the stage to make up for being late. Is that okay?" she asked Louis. 

"Sure, I'll have Unmei help you with that after our club meeting." Louis nudged me to greet the wolf. 

"Hi, my name is Unmei, and you are?" 

"My name is Juno."

After the meeting, I stayed back with Juno to help her clean, 

it would be a great opportunity to get to know her better.

"So, what made you want to join the drama club?" I asked. 

"Oh, I really enjoyed the Adler play you held last semester. Legoshi did an amazing job out there, wouldn't you agree?" said the wolf.

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