Chapter 9: Forgiveness

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"Care for some tea?" Gouhin made his favorite brew for the both of us. 

"Thanks Gouhin." I took a sip from the tea. 

I didn't mind the flavor tasting bitter, but it later left an even worse bitter aftertaste. Gouhin must have noticed my facial expressions, since he was trying to hold his laughter. 

"Ahh, nothing's better than a good 'ole brew of bamboo tea." He says as he sips his tea. 

Other than the awful tea I just had, the other thing I had in mind was Legoshi. He's been out cold for a while, and it was starting to worry me.

"Gouhin, where's Legoshi?" I asked. Gouhin let out a sigh as he put his tea down on the table.

"The wolf is in a room designated for patients. When he wakes up, I'll be asking him some questions of my own before I let you guys go." He explained. 

I felt some sort of relief from the panda, knowing that Legoshi might be okay. "Alright, if you don't mind, I'm just going to go out for some fresh air." I said. 

The panda seemed to take offence to this, probably because he was smoking his cigarette. 

Yeah, it was definitely the cigarette.

I make my way to the patio of the building we were in, and I look over at the Back Alley Market. Its hard to believe that Yafya has been keeping an eye on this area for so long. I suddenly heard something smash in the building, which I immediately ran towards.

"Hey, what happened!? Is everything okay!?" I was worried that something had happened to Legoshi. 

I entered the room to see Legoshi bound to chains while Gouhin was snapping pictures of him. 

"Gouhin, what's going on!?" I questioned.

Gouhin took another picture of Legosi as he explained. "Your friend here passed out from meat withdrawal, am I correct?" Gouhin asked. 

"No, Legoshi never ate meat when we came here. He passed out because he was running away from all the meat in the BAM." I told him. 

The panda squinted his eyes at me, then focusing his attention back onto the wolf. I didn't see it at first, but I noticed the wall that was right behind him. 

"I'm sure you're wondering what all these pictures are for." He explained. "These are all the carnivores that I have had over the years. All of them have the same story, they ate meat, then went crazy. I am just doing my job to prevent your little friend here from following that road." 

+You have to be kidding me? As if Legoshi would do such a thing.

"Tell me kid, isn't it strange that your friend over here reacted how he did when you were with him? It was almost like he had done something similar like that before." Gouhin was very persuasive with his wording, but I knew that there was nothing wrong with Legoshi. 

"Sir, with all due respect, Legoshi has never done anything like that." Suddenly, Legoshi spoke out.

"Unmei..." Legoshi mumbled. 

As I heard Legoshi, I dropped down to the floor from both shock and relief. I extend both my arms, reaching out to the wolf, but Gouhin pulled me away. I looked at Gouhin with rage, but Legoshi was also backing away from me.

"Legoshi?" I was confused. 

Legoshi, what's wrong? Why are you acting like this all of a sudden? 

Then it hit me, 

he's still thinking back on that night

"Legoshi, you're not thinking about what you did that night, right?" I felt a sharp pain in my chest as I asked him that. 

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