Chapter 13: The Lion's Den

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"Unmei! Unmei! Answer the fucking phone!" Louis growled. He had been ignored 4 times by now. "I fucked up big time." Louis put his back against the wall, sliding down to a sitting position. 

What Unmei said was true, keeping quiet isn't going to make everything peaceful, he knew that from the devourings reported on TV to Tem's death. Its understandable why Unmei reacted the way he did, he just wish he had done it in a better manner. Louis felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, hoping that it was Unmei.

"Unmei!? Are you okay!?" Louis yelled. Not noticing the contact, the animal on the other line spoke up. 

"Louis, where's Unmei." It was Legoshi. 

Louis paused for a second, realizing who it was. "He left. He's gone Legoshi."

Suddenly, there was a growl, a loud one, coming from Legoshi. "Where is he Louis. He has not been answering his phone, and I'm starting to worry." Legoshi is known to take things very seriously by now, if he didn't say anything, he would be dead, Louis thought. 

"The BAM, he's heading towards the BAM." 

Legoshi got even louder. "Why would he go back there!? He knows what would happen if he were to slip up there!" 

Louis responded even louder. "Els was kidnapped by the Shishigumi. Unmei and I had an argument, and he resorted in going in alone." Louis heard the phone drop from the other side, hearing stuff being thrown around. Legoshi then picked up his phone, only to hang up with his last message. 

"I'll be back."

When I got back to my dorm, I changed from my uniform clothes to a black hoodie and my track pants that Yafya got for me for training purposes. I knew very well the dangers that were to come if I did this, but I was not going to lose another animal due to some sick carnivore. 

Before I left, I saw four calls from Louis, and two calls from Legoshi. I was too focused on that problem at hand, leaving my phone and jumping out the window. I told Gouhin that I'll be there soon, so I'll just have to settle with riding the train.

When I got on, I had noticed that with my appearance, people are more concerned and cautious about me. Of course, I wasn't wearing my uniform, which showed pride and honor. Without it, I'm just a stranger in everyone's eyes. I arrive at the same place where Aoba had waited for us, remembering the path to the building. 

"Gouhin, I'm here!" I knocked on the door, waiting for an answer. Suddenly, two carnivores, one hyena, the other a jackal, look me down from another alleyway. 

"Hey, look over there. It seems that Rexmas came early." the hyena cackled. 

Thinking that I was their prey, both of the canines were laughing will drool oozing from both of them. Before the jackal could say anything to follow up with that insult, I rammed my knee upward from the bottom of his jaw. Shifting my attention towards the coyote, I dodged his fangs by moving to the side, using the opportunity to ram him into the concrete. 

"Listen here bitch, I am nobodies meal, not now, not tomorrow, never. You can say that me keeping you alive is your Rexmas gift this year." 

The door opens and I see Gouhin coming out with a fox patient. 

"Did you bring me two new patients Unmei?" the panda snickered. 

Still pissed from earlier, I snarled at his joke. "Do what you want with them, I don't care anymore at this point." As I walk into the building, I heard someone calling for my name. I look around the corner, and I see a tall gray wolf. 

"Legoshi." I whispered. 

The wolf's ears perked up the instant I said his name. Moments later he is looking towards my direction. 

A Destined Fate: Beastars AUWhere stories live. Discover now