Chapter 7: Fireflies

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Once the curtains closed, I immediately brought Legoshi to the office room. As soon as we were out of sight from everyone else, I turned my head to face Legoshi. 

"Don't worry about Bill. Louis will be taking care of him, but what were you thinking up there!? You could've got yourself killed!" 

Its a good thing that I brought my medical kit for Louis earlier, I had to patch up his wound before he got an infection.

"Unmei, I'm sorry," Legoshi groaned. "Before the play, Bill had this smell on him that I couldn't make out. He ran to the bathroom before the show began and I followed him." 

He must be talking about that little bottle we obtained during that fight scene. 

"So that's what this was all about, don't worry," I reassured him. "Louis and I are already aware of that vial of blood, which is why I'm here with you and not Louis." 

Something did ponder in the back of my mind during all of this, whose blood was it? 

"Okay, I'm going to need you to relax a bit. I need to disinfect your wounds then stitch them up nice and tight." 

This was gonna be a long night... 

I received a call from someone as I was tending to Legoshi's wounds, it was Louis.

"Louis, what's up?"

It was hard to make up the picture, but all I heard in the background were screaming girls and the PR team throwing around questions. 

"The show was a success," said Louis. "I told the PR team that it was planned all along. The fighting, the 'fake blood', everything."

His tone of voice was cheerful. Louis would've kicked both of them out for tainting 'his' stage, but I guess it all ended well. 

"Tell Legoshi that if anyone asks about the play, that everything was 'planned', we have to let him know before he says anything that might contradict my story." 

I was still processing everything that went on. Everything just fixed itself up in a snap.

"Okay Louis, I'll let him know." I end the call and return my focus on Legoshi's wounds.

Months later and there's still talk about our last play. Legoshi has been dubbed as 'The Dark Knight' among the herbivores, which made him become more noticeable among the crowds. I  was happy that Legoshi was getting the recognition he deserved. 

As Summer came around the corner, I planned on helping Louis set up for this year's Meteor Festival. Last year's festival was a rocky start for me. While I was still a first-year, I had never performed a larger audience in public, so of course I was petrified. My vocals were shaky and my movements felt off, I could never live that performance down. 

"You're not going to get stage fright again this year, right Unmei?" Louis smirked, recalling my last year's fuck up. 

"Fuck off." I replied, having nothing else to say but just flicking my fingers at him.

To be honest, I'm liking this Louis more and more. Its weird to see how two students competing for the title of Beastar could become good friends with one another. Must be a status thing, but I wasn't complaining. 

"We have to send some members into the city in order to make arrangements on the festival grounds, so who should we send?" he asked. I figured that sending Dom was the best bet, he has a knack for design, and knowing him, the festival would look spot on if he were in charge of the group. 

"We could send Dom, we already know about his expertise in art, maybe send some muscle with him just in case they need to carry some stuff in." 

We continued our discussion for the whole day, and it seems to me that Louis has been more open than before to my ideas. 

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