Chapter 5: Fallen Grace

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"Louis, you have to go to the hospital, your foot is getting worse!"

"SHUT UP UNMEI! JUST HELP ME UP WILL YOU!" Louis has been rehearsing with a broken foot for almost a week, yet he still wants to be in the play.

"You are honestly the most stubborn animal I have ever met! And that's saying something!" My eyebrows furrowed as I grabbed the bandage roll from my med kit..

"They need me by tonight! I will go to the hospital when the play is over if that's what will shut you up." Louis growled. 

I have been tending to his broken foot this whole time, not as a supporter, but as a friend, yet I feel like Louis might actually hurt himself when he gets on stage.

"You better Louis, or else I'll give that broken foot of yours more friends." Louis looked at me with annoyance. 

I didn't care though, all that matters is Louis going to the hospital afterwards. As I was wrapping Louis up, I heard 3 knocks coming from the door, but it seems that Louis didn't hear anything. 

"Come in!" I said. 

Legoshi walks into the room as Louis scoops up the pain killers off the floor.

"I told you to knock before entering." Louis was looking at the wolf with even more annoyance than earlier. 

"He did knock, I guess you just didn't hear him." 

I look at his side to see that he has little to no water, and that's not good for him, he needs to stay hydrated before tonight's play. 

"I'll be right back, I'm leaving to fetch you some more water Louis." I left the room, trusting that Legoshi will take care of Louis while I'm away.

While I was on that little errand, something came up to mind. Louis has been moody lately, more than usual. I knew that he was taking pain killers, so I didn't think much of it. The pills were known to affect someone's mood if the they took more than what the recommended intake was. All of that just made my head hurt even more.

Louis, why are you always so stubborn like this? It is not healthy.

As I grab the knob of Louis' office, I heard a loud bang, like something being pinned onto the wall. I opened the door out of curiosity. 

"Hey Louis, I'm back with your wa- WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!?" I dropped the bottle as I see Louis forcing his palm into Legoshi's mouth, both of them looking at me with absolutely fear. 

I have never yelled like this before.

Louis released Legoshi from his grip, leaving the poor wolf to gasp for air. 

"Louis, what the fuck was that!?" I was furious.

"He was being his carnivore self, just look at those claws of his! He was getting on my nerves, so I-" Louis choked on his words as he was trying to explain himself, but I just couldn't keep my cool after seeing that.

"And that gave you the right to try and force him to bite your hand!? Louis, we both fucking know you're smarter than that!" Legoshi stepped in as I was shouting at Louis, giving me that silent plea to hear him out.

"No, its okay Unmei. Louis is right, I do hide my strength, but I have to hide it. Louis on the other hand. He is strong, and he is going to show everyone that raw strength he has during tonight's performance." 

Part of me wanted to scold the wolf for being too down on himself, because he shouldn't have let Louis done that, but knowing Legosi, he didn't do anything because he didn't want to hurt anyone. 

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