Chapter 14: Love

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"Legoshi? Where are we?" We have been walking for a while now, but I don't see us making any progress. "Legoshi, can you hear me?" The wolf remained silent. "Come on Legoshi, this isn't funny. We have to-" Everything went dark around me. This isn't right. Just a second ago, I was holding onto Legoshi as we were heading back to Cherryton, but now I can't see a thing. Wait, what is even happening? What was I doing? Who-

"Unmei! Unmei! Please wake up! Please!" I was being carried, but just a second ago I was walking. I look up, seeing Legoshi's eyes tearing up as he was sprinting.

"Legoshi?" The wolf paused, looking at me with worry. Suddenly, I get a sharp pain coming from my head wound. "Legoshi, we need to find a place to rest."

Legoshi spotted two benches, laying me down on one while taking the other. 

That vision I was having, so it was a dream all along huh? But why did it seem so real, and what was going on with me?

Legoshi and I rested quietly. I was able to relax my head while keeping sure not to do anything that would make matters worse. I look over at Legoshi. His tank top is practically a poorly made DIY crop top, with claw marks cutting through the middle, exposing his recent wounds. He got hurt saving me, why was I letting him do this for me.

"Legoshi," I was trying best to stay composed. "I'm sorry for getting you hurt. Its all my fault you have those scars." 

The last thing I wanted to see was Legoshi bleeding again like last time. Legoshi was a good wolf, he had simple goals, like becoming an entomologist, while mine, was to become Beastar. How could we want different goals and still be together.

Legoshi got up, moving over to my bench. As he sat down, he cradled my head into his lap, carefully brushing his hands through my hair. "None of this was you're fault. Panda and I forced you into bring me along, and you did all of this to save a friend Unmei." Legoshi began massaging near my injuries, being careful not to hurt me in the process. "Like I said, you're my conviction, you're my drive to keep going in this world. I don't know what I'll do if I lose you."

"So you're just gonna get yourself killed for me?" I asked him. He didn't expect me to question him that. "I love you just as much you love me Legoshi, that's why I didn't tell you about this! I want you to stay alive for me too, but when I saw you get slashed up by that maniac, I felt like I could've lost my only purpose in life." There was no point in holding back the tears, it would've made things worse.

I dig my face into Legoshi's fur, feeling his hand support the back of my head to prevent further damage. "Unmei, everything's fine now. I'm alive, you're alive. I got to see what you were capable of, you took out how many lions compared to panda and I. You fought that lion, allowing Els to escape, meaning you won that fight by default." Legoshi gently lifted me up from his fur, embracing me gently. "If anything were to happen to you, I want to be there to rescue you, just like how you rescued me."

I felt so empty. Even after hearing Legoshi's confession, I couldn't think or do anything of the matter. My stomach then growled in hunger. 

"I think I need some food." I mumbled. Legoshi helped me up, and had me walk on his side, allowing me to lean on him for support. We stop by this run down restaurant, which surprisingly had the best yakisoba I've ever tasted. This was the one thing that felt good all night for me. 

"So you carry emergency funds in your shoe too? Yafya told me that he had a friend who used to do that all the time." I was finally feeling a little bit better. The meal was all it took to give me energy to heal, but I still had to make some touch ups with the damage dealt to my head, but it was no issue. 

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