Chapter 12: Crossroads Emerge

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I still had that uneasy feeling after last night. Everyone is under the impression that it was just a power outage, but I know for a fact that it was a planned blackout. I was in charge of checking the lights, and it was all in perfect condition, but now, it looked as if the wires were jammed back into place. As I was looking around the festival grounds for more evidence, I noticed a lion far in the distance. He seems to be having a discussion with Louis.

I wonder what that is all about. It wouldn't hurt to say hello.

"Good morning sir, my name is Unmei." I extended my hand towards the lion. 

"Good morning young man, it is very nice to meet you." I look over to Louis, hoping for him to introduce me to him. 

"Unmei, this is the mayor. He came here to inspect the festival grounds after what happened last night." So this is the city's mayor, he seems so nice. 

"Thank you sir for coming, but I already have everything covered." I informed him of what I was doing, as well as the conditions of the wires found in the light panel.

"Well, that's no good. We need to keep this between the three of us, for the public will just go crazy after hearing the news." 

I didn't like his solution, not one bit. As soon as the lion left to look at other places in the festival, I looked to Louis with great concern. 

"We have to do something about this. Who knows when they might come back." This whole situation wasn't sitting well with me, not one bit. 

"Unmei, look at me." Louis put his hands on my shoulder. "I want to keep everyone safe, as much as you do. But we have to trust the adults here, they know better than all of us." 

Is he right about just leaving it to the adults? I get that this is out of our control, but I don't want to just stand around and do nothing. 

"Okay, I'll let it go Louis." Louis let out a sigh. 

"Don't worry too much about it, everything is going to be fine." Louis and I head over to the tower-shaped building where rehearsals were taking place. 

After two hours of practice, Louis called for a break. As I was heading over to the water station, I feel a tug on my arm. 

"Juno? What's up?" I asked. She looked worried, but she had this envious look in her eyes. 

"Something has been bothering me for some time now, and I can't seem to get over it." she said. 

"What seems to be the problem?" I was waiting for her to respond, but it was difficult for her to spit it out, vaguely hearing her mumbling. "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you clearly."

"Are you and Legoshi a thing?" she let out a whimper. After that little outburst, she felt embarrassed.

I suddenly realized what was going on. "Oh, yeah. Legoshi and I have been together for a couple weeks now, why do you ask?" She looked upset from my answer. 

"I knew it. He did have a partner after all." Juno was just about ready to tear up. 

"Hey, Juno, its okay. I'm sorry about Legoshi and all, but you're a very beautiful wolf.  You have the charisma to attract any man you want." 

It appears that my compliments were working, seeing her cheer up a little bit. 

"Thanks Unmei, Legoshi is a very lucky wolf to have you. You have been nothing but nice to me ever since I came to your club." That smile was one that had a mask over it. She was still hurting, but she walked away from me before I could even say something. I'll catch up with her after I get my drink. 

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