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This conversation is between Jin, Jimin, Jungkook and hoseok a week after JinMin got together

(Jk)"This is so stupid" (Jm)" what!! do you think we don't know that?, watching those three drool over each other without knowing it, is cute and all, but them coming to us because they think they don't like each other in that way is getting real tiring". (Jin) "Jimin, Jungkook stop talking like you two weren't doing the same thing two weeks ago" (Jh)"Jin-hyung is right, how about instead of just talking about it why don't you come up with a plan to get them together, like Jin- hyung did for him and Jimin. Even if it didn't work out the way he planned it, it still worked.

(Jk)"Fine, but you have to help us" (Jin)"did you really think we were gonna let you two have all the fun?" (Jh)" as if" (Jm) "all right let's do this"

Two days later( also everyone already knows about hoseok being a little)

(Jin)" you guys ready?" (Jk)" hyung is that even a question me and hobi-hyung could do this with out even trying" (Jh) yeah and we've already picked who we were going for, I got yoongi-Hyung and namjoon since I already know where they would be today" (Jk)" and I got tae-hyungy since he's always willing to take care of me in little space.

(Jm)"great you guys do your thing and text us an "ok" when your ready" (Jin)" me and Jimin are going to use this moment to go on our second date, that way none of them will want to come with us.

(Jk)"alright lets do this(he yells before pecking hoseok on the lips and running off)" (Jh)" catch you guys later (hoseok said before running off as well)" (Jin)"now we wait for the conformation and we'll tell them were heading out on our second date" (Jm)" alright we've got this".

(With Jungkook)
" alright first place to check is hyungs room" (he jogs to taehyung's room door and puts his ear against it, he could hear the sound of music and foot steps)"maybe hyung is practicing (he thought to himslef)" "before I do anything I need to be little first, here we go".

He slips into little space like it's nothing and knocks on the door, he can hear taehyung telling him to come in through the door, he walks in and there is his hyung in the middle of the room just dancing, not practicing coreos but just dancing for fun, he giggles and tae spins around surprised he wasn't expecting little kookie to show up in his room but hey the more the merrier. (Tae)"What's up little one, do you need something" (Kk)"can hyungy play with me?" (Tae)" sure do you want me to get the others to come play too?" (Kk)"no I want to play with tigy" (Tae)"who's tigy?, is he a new toy you got?" (Kk)"no hyungy is tigy".

Tae smiled at kookie nodded his head and says "let's play then" tae closes the door. Kookie texts an (ok) to Jimin.

(With jin and Jimin)
(Jm) "That's one down two too go" (Jin)" good"

(With Hoseok)
"Yoongi-hyungs studio, that's were namjoonie and yoongi-hyung go on Tuesdays, welp here goes nothing".

Hoseok slips into little space and taps on the door (no response) "maybe they have headphones on (Hobi thought to himself) alright then I'll just go in and ask". He walked in and there was yoongi-hyung and Namjoonie-hyung listening to different beats, Hobi walked over to the desk and taped on Namjoon's shoulder knowing namjoons reaction would get a reaction out of yoongi. Namjoon turns to hobi which also causes yoongi to turn around, Hobi smiles at both of them as they take their headphones off,(Nj) "hey hoseok what do you need?" hobi frowned at that did they not notice yet (Hb)"m'not hoseok, m'hobi (he said, as his frown deepened)" (Nj) "awww I'm sorry hobi theres no need to frown ( namjoon said poking hobi's cheek)".

(Yg)"now what is it you need little man?" (Hb) can hyungs play with hobi?" he gave them the biggest brightest puppy dog eyes he could mustard, (Yg) "there's no need for the puppy dog eyes we would gladly come and play with you" (Nj)"you wait outside and we'll save and turn everything off ok" (Hb) "ok".

little baby JK & JH x btsWhere stories live. Discover now