nap time and explanations part 2

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Everyone was awestruck well except hoseok and kookie, everyone was just staring at them and kookie was starting to get nervous they were making him so nervous that he was starting to shake in hoseok's arms. Hoseok was obviously the first to notice how uncomfortable kookie seemed so he looked at the others and told them he would be back and walked to his own room to try and calm kookie down a bit before going back out.

He manages to get kookie to calm down and walk back out with him, this time the others don't stare because they also noticed how uncomfortable kookie became because of them. So as soon as kookie and hoseok came into view they started giving kookie compliments left and right saying how adorable he is and how cute his outfit is. They were complimenting him so much he started blushing and tried to hide behind hoseok which didn't work to his advantage since hoseok started complimenting him to by the time they had stopped kookie was a tomato.

After everyone had calmed down and had had a seat in the living room hoseok sitting in the middle of the room with kookie in his lap smiling from ear to ear, well until one of the members asked why kookie was acting the way he was.

The room had went silent when that question was asked, kookie had started shaking again because he was getting scared hoseok grabbed kookie's hand to let him know everything was going be fine. Most of the day had been spent with hoseok explaining what was going on with jungkook to the others everyone was very accepting truthfully they didn't really care as long as what jungkook was doing helps him mentally, or physically and so on, their fine with it, so they had spent the rest of the day getting to know kookie and what he likes and dislikes.

But there was a question that they all wanted to know what was going on with hoseok then, the room had become tense they all wanted to know but were to nervous to ask well all except yoongi who gladly stepped up to the plate and asked the question they were all thinking "um hoseok if kookie is a little why were you talking the way you were earlier" hoseok almost froze when yoongi asked him that, no one had noticed tho, hoseok did the only thing he could.

lie through his teeth.

Hoseok had told the others that the only reason he had acted the way he did was to get jungkook to calm down. Since his sister used to be a little he knew how to talk to them, they believed him and the day ended on a good note.

Hey I'm actually going to change the title and description sorry about that but it just doesn't seem right anymore because of the way the story is playing out don't worry I'm not changing it a lot just adding some stuff to make the title make more since.

Thanks for reading my story tho.

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