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After everyone found out what went down between Hoseok and Jungkook they decided to make their moves and the first up is Jin.

He came up with a whole plan to win jimin's heart and he was gonna get some help from the others first namjoon plans an outing for everyone but doesn't tell jimin, then jungkook will slip into little space and throw a fit saying he doesn't want to go so jimin will have to stay.

Jin will volunteer to stay and help jimin with little kookie...............it all went well for the most part that is cause jin forgot how energetic kookie is so they spent almost half an hour chasing him 10 minutes fixing dinner and another 10 minutes getting him to go to sleep they stil had half an hour before the others got back.

They were so tired they passed out on the couch, the others assumed that it worked out since they saw them curled up together on the couch until the next day when jin told them what happened,  jungkook apologized repeatedly for being such a brat but jin told him that it's not his fault and that they could try again another time.

The next person to make a move was jimin (we all know how straight forward he can be when needed) so that was his plan he was going to get jin all alone and confess and what ever happens,happens.

What he doesn't expect is there to be a whole photo shoot today, but he wasn't going to give up, him and jin have a shoot together their suppose to stand close together, so jimin is gonna play it off like that, while the pictures are being takin he'll whisper in jin's ear and wish for the best.

...............he did it jin's face turned bright red in the middle of a photo and then he ran away......wait.......HE RAN AWAY...... there speeding through the halls was a red faced Jin and watching him run away was a almost sad jimin.

The others have no idea what happened one minute jin and jimin are take their photos for the shoot the next jin is running looking like he just sat on a turned on stove and jimin was just staring at him.

Namjoon ran over to jimin "dude your just gonna let him run away" "yup cause he has to come back the photo shoot isn't over" jimin answered with a smirk on his face he knew jin didn't dislike what he said with how red his face was and the simple fact that he didn't turn him down right there on the spot instead just ran away.

He got the reaction he wanted now he just needs to wait for his response. The photo shoot is over and jimin told the others to let him sit with jin in the back of the van they agreed and rushed to the car to get their seats. They made sure jin was the last out before jimin.

Jin moved to the back with jimin close behide he was still embarrassed about earlier but he didn't think to much into it since he just assumed jimin was just messing with him "I mean we mess around like that all the time so he probably meant it in a friendly way" is what jin is saying to try and convince himself that what jimin said didn't have a deeper meaning.

Jin gets to his seat and jimin plops himself down right on jin's lap, Jin was  mentally panicking" what is he doing we've never done this before he's so close......wait is he getting closer dear god help me" jimin was leaning in closer to jin's face he was so close that he could feel jin's ragged breathing across his "he's so cute when he's panicking" jimin thought to himself as he connected their lips.

After that jin and jimin made themselves an official couple, they spend most of their time together or taking care of the junghope couple when they are little, they also listen to their friends (namjoon, tae and yoongi) rant about how much they want a relationship with the other instead of confronting the others like men.

Jin gets the most of it since he is the oldest and because it was namjoon and yoongi that were always trying to talk to him but avoid each other at the same time, like what kind of logic is that you have a big fat crush on two people and those two people just so happened to live with you but you are doing everything in your power to avoid them just so you can rant about how much you want to be with them to friends. What kind of since does that make none, none at all is what jin has to say about all of this and he does he just says it to jimin instead.

Hey everyone I'm sorry for taking so long to update but I wasn't sure if should continue the story since no one ever responded and told me what ship they wanted to read about in the next chapter but someone had commented saying they wanted me to upload the next chapter so here you go.

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