kookie knows

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It has been about a week since everyone found out about kookie and everything couldn't be better, well for everyone except hoseok. He wasn't ok at all mentally or physically, he was having a mental battle with big him and little him and he was just physically drained from taking care of kookie while also keeping all his schedules and new correo in check, it was just to much for him but he wouldn't stop.

Now your probably wondering how come none of the other members noticed how much hoseok was struggling, well they were to distracted with taking care of kookie when hes little and big that they just didn't notice well except for jungkook he notice oh he most definitely noticed how hoseok looked like he wanted to cry every time he had to take care of kookie or how stressed he looked everytime he came home or how he would stay out until the next morning at his studio. Little and big kookie noticed and it hurt him to watch his hyung suffer like that.

Jungkook knew why hoseok was like this he knew hoseok was a little and he knew hoseok lied to the others the day the others had asked what he was doing, oh yeah jungkook remembers everything from that day he remembers the fear he felt when they found little kookie and wouldn't let him leave, he remembers the relief he felt when little hobi spoke and told them to leave kookie alone in that slurred voice of his. Jungkook knows a little when he sees one, and hoseoks a little theres was no doubt in jungkook's mind as he stood outside hoseok's room and listened to him cry.

He was going to confront hoseok about it today, he was gonna ask hoseok why he lied to the others about him being little and most importantly he was gonna ask hoseok why he hasn't told them the truth, and their was no way out of it he would make sure of that.

Hello my friends long time still haven't seen sorry about the little delay in updates my great grandmother passed on last week and her funeral was yesterday but I'm ok now there was a lot of tear shed but my family is getting through it

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