leave kookie alone

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"This was it" kookie thought as he squirmed in Namjoon's arms they were gonna call him a freak and kick him out of the group "LET ME GO" kookie yelled at namjoon "no your not going anywhere" namjoon said to jungkook. Jungkook had started crying again when namjoon grabbed him, he didn't want to be seen here anymore he wanted to hide "NO YOU NO WIKE KOOKIE WET ME GO PWEASE" everyone was confused why was jungkook talking like that and who is kookie.

Now don't get them wrong it was adorable but they were so confused well all except one that one being hoseok. He knew what was going on with jungkook. As soon as he saw jungkook under the bed he instantly knew jungkook was a little, now there's two reasons as to how hoseok knew what a little was, his sister was one (i say "was" because she grew out of it) and the second reason well your going to find out.

Hoseok knew he had to do something or else this was going to get out of hand, well more out of hand, kookie was yelling, namjoon was yelling, Jin was yelling it was just too much and then it happened he slipped and started yelling at Namjoon "WEAVE KOOKIE AWONE, PUT KOOKIE DOWN NOW" everyone was shocked even kookie who stopped crying as soon as he heard hoseoks voice. But that didn't last long as he yelled and cried for hobi "HOBI PWEASE HELP ME PWEASE I NO WANNA WEAVE PWEASE HOBI" hobi did what he had to do and ran more like stumbled his way towards namjoon who still had jungkook in his arms.

"Kookie no leave" Hoseok yelled as he got closer to the too, "Put kookie down now" hobi said to namjoon, now seeing as namjoon had no idea what was going on he did what hoseok said he was his hyung so he had to listen to what he was told to do by hoseok. Namjoon put kookie down on the floor and as soon as kookie's feet touched the floor he ran to hobi who hugged him as close to himself as he could to help him feel better as he hiccuped repeatedly in his arms.

Once kookie had calmed down hobi looked up at everyone else and said "weave now pwease" "but hoseok what the hell is going on with you and jungkook" yoongi said causing hobi to frown "I not hoseok, and he not jungkook and don't say bad word infwont of kookie" hobi told the others and once again they looked at him confused "I'm hobi, he kookie" hobi tried to explain it to them once again but got the same reaction. It made him mad so he told them to leave again "weave now p'ease" his lisp becoming more prominent as he slipped more out of anger at the others.

The others finally one by one got up off the floor and started walking away until hobi called out to them "I'll ex'pain wa'ter otay". They all nodded and walked out the room leaving hobi and a half asleep kookie alone.

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