Year 4: All Hallows Eve

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A little less than a month had passed and tonight was the highly-awaited Halloween Feast!

This was something that every student looked forward to at the beginning of every school year. It was a huge feast with tons of decorations, entertainment, and sweets. Hogwarts went just as far out for Halloween as they did for Christmas, only everyone would get to enjoy it since no one would be leaving until December.

So, of course, my dorm was buzzing with excitement.

"Did you hear that Dumbledore hired a skeleton band to play in the great hall tonight?" Heather asked, jumping on her bed, blonde waves bouncing around her shoulders.

"That might be a little far fetched," Tamara shook her head.

"Yeah, I mean, they couldn't play any wind instruments, they don't have any lungs." I said, watching her as she stopped jumping, still swaying on her feet for a moment afterwards.

"I didn't even think about that, Juniper," She sighed, "I still think it'd be pretty neat to see."

"Well, if you really wanna see it, then we should probably just head on down there," Robin said as she tied her hair up, "It is about time for dinner anyways. We'll just be some of the first people down there."

We'd all had the day off, and hadn't done much besides work on our newest issue of Hog-Gossip. It was finished and had actually been sent to our other house correspondents to hand out. We'd started charging for them at this point, and people were more than willing to pay for them. We hadn't been expecting them to be such a hit, but we were glad because that meant that all of this running around and hiding had been worth it, even though nobody knew how much work we were putting into them.

They bought them from us, but we just told anyone that we were the sales people. It was a lie, but we hoped that if any professors broke through our enchantments and saw that we were spreading rumors and the occasional embarrassing happening of other people, that we'd get less of a punishment if people thought that we didn't actually write any of it.

But so far, we were in the clear in terms of punishment and having our enchantments broken.

Snape didn't understand why study sessions and quidditch schedules were interrupting his class, but didn't push it any further, which had been a relief. If any teacher was going to expose Hog-Gossip as the Hogwarts's gossip central, it would definitely be Snape.

We went down to the great hall, bumping into a few students leaned against walls or even sat on the floor as they read over their copy of Hog-Gossip. This issue, every girl and guy alike was pouring over Heather's interview. I'd sat down and ask her some questions about what her tactics were for getting other people to do her homework and just how long she'd been doing this. She'd been more than happy to comply as she wanted to help out whoever she can because everyone slips up every now and again.

Of course, there was also the finally tally of who had voted on which relationships. We'd started with about twelve different pairings and they were going to start being eliminated as the copies went on. Heather compared it to muggle reality tv, whatever that is.

Either way, we had almost perfected our poker faces when it came to seeing people read our magazine, and tonight was no different, although if we were giggling in the great hall, it would come as a surprise to no one. After I hexed Malfoy, I'd had detention, and since then, I'd been relatively calm. I don't remember a lot of what Fred had told me, but I was starting to wonder if he'd cast a spell on me to keep me in a good mood.

We walked through the tall doors, the alluring smell of sweets and pumpkin already wafting out into the hall before the feast had even officially begun. I heard Heather's squeal of excitement as we took our seats, all of our eyes tracing over the food before us. I knew that Tamara, and I'd recently realized Robin as well, were trying to decipher whether or not they were allowed to eat it, but they still looked excited. 

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